Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Abby update - February 28

Well, according to a paragraph that Abby wrote for Mrs. Ruiz today, this was a boring day. All I can say is that every once in awhile you need a boring day! (And, deep down, I think Abby would agree...)

Though we had other options, we just stayed home today and enjoyed a respite from driving. Abby, Frank, his friend Alex, and I all took a walk this morning--our usual 2 mile route down to Flite Acres Road--and Abby did a little bit of running along the way. She's better at it every day! The rest of the day just included some housework, some schoolwork, some work-work, and some dog obedience training. Abby's also doing better all the time on her schoolwork and cognitive therapy assignments, though I was still needing to encourage her patience with Arby. I think she forgets how "unnatural" that sedate heeling required for obedience is for his enthusiastic personality. (That enthusiasm, by the way, makes him the wonderful agility dog that he is...)

But, I've pushed my limits again--staying out late counting frogs. It was a very pleasant night out (with quite a few frogs calling), but now it's time for bed. IH-35 will be calling tomorrow morning...

Sweet dreams,
Lee Ann & family

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Abby update - February 25-27

Many apologies for the lack of news, but it's been a busy 72's amazing what you can pack into three days when you really work at it!

First, I wanted to share that our church service on Sunday morning went well. Neither Gordon nor I slept much on Saturday night, but your prayers carried us through. We were able to hold together to share how God (and your prayers) have carried us since Abby's accident, and the process of finding and sharing the right scriptures and music blessed us as well. Abby and Frank both helped with the music and scripture reading--two very tangible blessings for us. Thanks for being there with us, either in body or in spirit.

Right after the church service my Mom and I left for Mississippi to attend her sister's funeral. Our trip went well, though Monday was a bittersweet day--saying good-bye to Aunt Mavis and, really, the end of an era for all of us cousins, who shared so many happy memories at Grandma & Aunt Mavis' house, but it was also good to be together and relive some of those memories. I flew home on Monday evening, but left Mom there to tend to some details.

Meanwhile, while I was away, Abby was making big strides in therapy. On Monday she ran!! Gordon said that everyone in the gym was clapping for her. I know it must have made her happy, too, to regain that capability after so much work. Today she practiced some more running for me, and then we threw the softball with Frank during PT. She's doing well at catching, though she's still working on her mobility, but her throwing is awesome!! Frank was pretending to play first base, and she was picking runners off with hard throws right to his glove! Abby's coach for many seasons, Coach Amy, called to let us know that Frank is on her baseball team, and also that she ordered a softball shirt for Abby for this year. Coach Amy must have known that, while Abby may not see any official playing time this spring, we're going to have a hard time keeping her off the field!

Well, tomorrow will be calling with laundry and dirty dishes and science experiments (the price we pay for jet-setting on the weekend), but I'm glad to have the chance to share our good news and thanks with you...keep praying...
-the Linams

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Abby update - February 24

Today was a busy day, but my post will be brief, as we're doing lots of preparation tonight. Abby put in some more violin practice today at a group lesson (she's been doing lots of practicing this week and hopes to play tomorrow at church), then we attended Frank's last basketball game of the season. The "Ballers" played with all their heart. They came up short again, but so many referees and coaches have complimented the boys on how hard they play and how much they have improved since the beginning of the season. If it's "how you play the game," then I think they had the best season of all...

We really enjoyed lunch and visits with Cousin Diane from Louisville and all the rest of my family. Diane is one of those people who has often called just when we needed her over the last few months--through her care and concern I often feel the love of my own father and all his family. We love you Diane.

For those of you late-night readers, please keep us in prayer on Sunday morning. As we lead our church service, we'll be trying to share the strength, healing and blessing that God provided in the months since Abby's accident. Abby and Frank will be a part of the service too, and we just want it to be a morning of hope and praise.

We have another prayer request as well. This morning my mother got word that her elder sister had passed away in Mississippi, so after the church service I'm going to drive with my mother to Mississippi. I'll then fly home after the funeral on Monday, while mom stays on a few days to help settle things there. We'd appreciate your prayers for that trip and for my mother's family.

So, for now, you can see that there are many things to get ready...Once again, God's strength is what we'll need...
-the Linams

Friday, February 23, 2007

Abby update - February 23

Arby & Amigo accompanied me and Abby today and even got to participate in Abby's therapy! We took them to Austin so that Abby could work with Arby at the agility field, but, when Abby's OT learned that we had the dogs with us, he quickly created a therapy session that involved Abby and Arby in doing all kinds of hiking, obstacle paths, obedience courses, etc. I thought the two of them did great, and Abby was very proud to show Arby to her therapists, but she also ran into a lot of frustrations. Her relationship with Arby is so important to her, and, when he doesn't respond as he should or she can't communicate as she wants, she just feels such overwhelming frustration. I think her frustration is great because she values her accomplishments with her dog so highly, and I was sad to see the session cause such conflicting emotions.

I left St. David's wondering if it was a good idea to risk more potential frustration at the agility field, but we went anyway. I was glad we did! We set up a jumpers course with some pretty good handling challenges, and Abby and Arby did great! He was patient in waiting for her to move through the course, and she was patient when he needed additional cues. While I wouldn't have thought it possible last week, she's now thinking of entering her club's local agility trial in March. Just to see them on a course will be a great accomplishment (by her, Arby and God!).

Arby also tried to play a part in horseback therapy today, but I managed to catch him before he got into the arena. Instead, Abby got to focus on working with a different horse--Flower. She looked good and was able to get Flower to do some obstacles that she was trying to avoid.

So, anyway, that's why Arby gets his picture on the blog and gets to sleep inside tonight--he's part of this family therapy effort too!

Thanks for praying with us,
-the Linams (including Arby & Amigo)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Abby update - February 22

Not too much new to report today--just another good day of therapy and family fun. Abby got some good work on her back and shoulders in OT, managed to talk her PT into working outside since it was so pretty, and then closed out her day with a swim. This evening we all joined Frank, Gordon, and their team for their last practice (I even had to step in and play in a scrimmage game!) and a little celebration at Pizza Hut. Frank's going to miss basketball, but Gordon's had him out warming up his baseball arm, so he should be ready to slip seamlessly into that season. We are sad that Abby doesn't seem quite ready for softball this spring, but, who knows? She'll probably get herself out there at least on a practice field before the season's over...

Hope everyone else enjoyed the beautiful day today--it's one of those blessings that I don't want to take for granted any more...
Lee Ann & family

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Abby update - February 21

Today is why I love February. That first warmth and sun of the year always feels so good--it just made the whole day go well.

Abby had a check-up with her rehab doctor at Warm Springs today, so we had a good time visiting with some familiar faces and just being out and about. Abby's check-up was good (the doctor was impressed with some of her memory strategies), and her doctor encouraged us with our plans to get Abby back in school after Spring Break. Abby took some brownies she made to the nurses on the fourth floor, but we found out today that two of her three therapists are now gone from Warm Springs. We wish them the best in their new endeavors, but we are so thankful that God had them there while Abby was in Warm Springs. Becky, Kim, and Marissa made the perfect team for Abby, and we appreciate so much the personal bond that they all formed with her and with each other.

After Warm Springs, we picnicked at Mision Concepcion, part of the San Antonio Missions National Park. It's a lovely site just outside Loop 410 and is the best-preserved of all the missions in San Antonio. A couple of years ago Abby and Frank began working on their Junior Ranger badge for the park, and they were able to complete it today. That makes five badges, I think--Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, White Sands, Fort Davis, and San Antonio Missions. I'd love nothing better than for them to earn a couple more this summer...

Then some more Texas history for Abby with Mrs. Ruiz at home, and we all worked on some music before bed. (We've decided that we appreciate our pastor and his wife--it's a lot of work being responsible for a church service...!).

Until tomorrow,
Abby & family

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Abby update - February 20

Hello. This is dad reporting in again. Today was the first day I got to see Abby in swimming therapy. Lee Ann usually is with her for that, but St. David's increased her pool therapy to two sessions a week so I was able to see her in action. I must admit that I have tried picturing her in the pool but my mental images did not come close to the real thing I witnessed today. Abby has always loved swimming and I have longed for her to be able to enjoy it again. We spend many late summer afternoons as a family in the Blanco River, just walking distance from our house. I so wanted this to still be a part of her life. I can easily see this happening again this summer, a vision I know our friends down by the river share.

Mostly the therapist had her doing a variety of exercises, including walking on the underwater treadmill, but toward the end of the hour long session she worked her way over to the edge of the pool where I was sitting and asked for her goggles. After putting them on so naturally she and the therapist began swimming across the pool. I was so touched by this.

I am registered to attend the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting in Lake Jackson in a couple of weeks. Lee Ann and the kids have often joined me in the past and plan to again this year. This will be our first fun trip since the accident and I am so glad it is to the coast and that we will be staying in a motel with ESPN (for Frank) and an indoor pool for everyone, but especially Abby!


The Linams

Monday, February 19, 2007

Abby update - February 19

Today I finally got to see a biofeedback session. It was so cool I thought I should include a picture! They place external electrodes on Abby's muscles and then observe the computer monitor to see if the proper muscles are firing for the movement she is undertaking. They had Abby nearly doing one-legged knee bends (I wouldn't want anyone to monitor me trying that!). Both sets of quadriceps have shown a lot of improvement, although the left leg is still firing more effectively than the right.

All in all, Abby, Frank and I had a pretty good time at St. David's today. I helped Frank with his schoolwork, but we took some breaks to watch (and help with) Abby's therapy and to throw the football outside. Abby's pretty comfortable with the routine and the staff there now, so it's okay for us to not be with her for every session, but we enjoy breaks together and playing some games or taking a walk during lunch. It has been such a blessing to be together as a family through all of this.

I've got to testify that I'm feeling very thankful this evening. This Sunday our family is presenting the worship service at church--a thanksgiving for all that God has brought us through. As Gordon and I re-read some older notes and blog posts in preparation, we have been reminded of how far Abby has come, but as we looked at some photos of Abby from ICU the reality of one of Gordon's insights really hit me: Abby has returned from the valley of the shadow of death. I don't know why she had to go there or why she got to return, but I am deeply, deeply thankful she did come back. I know you all have celebrated that return with us. You can keep on celebrating with us this Sunday at 10:45 at the New Braunfels Church of the Nazarene if you like!

Until then (or tomorrow night)...
Abby's family

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Abby update - February 18

Not much to report today--just another beautiful day filled with friends and blessings and little steps forward. We had one of those little steps in memory this morning. I was fixing breakfast, when Abby came downstairs in some casual clothes. She paused and then said, "Oh, today's Sunday--I guess I better go change these clothes." (And, believe you me, I, in my bathrobe and towel on my hair, did not give her any clues by my appearance!). I don't know how she figured out it was Sunday, but she did, and I was thankful.

After church we all headed to Palmetto State Park where I recruited Abby, Frank, and Frank's friend, Arthur, as volunteers with some other 4-H kids on one of my monitoring projects. Okay, the species we were looking for, a small snail found only in this park, isn't very exciting to watch, but Palmetto State Park and the weather were both beautiful. Abby did well at recording data and made us smile at one point...I had been away from her and the boys for a while helping out the other groups of kids, when Abby told Gordon, "Mom is spending way too much time gratifying that group." Some things are still very hard for her, but we've noticed that her vocabulary is still quite impressive! (And then there's that dry little sense of humor...)

Well, tomorrow begins another busy week, so we'd all better get our rest...hope you have a good one!
-the Linams

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Abby update - February 17

It was a beautiful day today in Wimberley, so we just tried to enjoy beautiful Wimberley. The kids and I took a walk this afternoon down to the Blanco River with the dogs and Abby's friend Hannah. As I walk along Flite Acres Road, I can't help but be swept up in memories of Abby's accident, but there are also a lot of good memories down that road for us--of swimming in the river, of horseback rides and bike rides, of visits to friends' houses--so, when the emotions of the accident and the subsequent fears try to take over, I try to hang on to those memories and the hope that we will make more good memories. Today we did (especially in a fun encounter with some very curious llamas!), and we gained encouragement by meeting yet a few more former strangers who are now praying for Abby...

All in all, we spent a lot of time outside today (except for some time in the gym cheering on Frank's basketball team as they "faced the giants"--Frank's team played a tough game with a lot of heart). This evening we hiked around the property with friends. Abby did great on the rocky, uneven trails, and she even jumped on the trampoline without me for the first time! She also worked with Arby a lot today. I think it was a tiring day for her, but just being outside in the warm sunshine was good for all of our bodies and souls...

And now, my body and soul need some rest, so Good Night!
Lee Ann & familiy

Friday, February 16, 2007

Abby update - February 16

Abby felt good today and had a good Friday. Most of her therapists today did a reassessment of some basic skills, since it has been four weeks since we started at St. David's. She's shown a lot of improvement in the last month in her walking, balance, fine motor skills, and cognitive abilities, such as working puzzles.

However, I'd say that Abby's favorite therapy today was riding therapy. She was happy to get the chance to help groom and saddle Merlin (in fact, one of her favorite activities to recall is brushing Cheyenne, her horse), and then she looked really good riding him. Besides riding at a walk, trot, and over trail obstacles on her own, they also have her do exercises on top of the horse while he is being led (today she was throwing a ball back and forth with a volunteer while riding). She's also getting the chance to work on showmanship skills on the ground. We've been really happy with the program there--it's been good for Abby in a lot of ways...

And tonight she's happy, because her friend Hannah is over to visit--that's good therapy too!

Thanks for reading--
Abby & family

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Abby update - February 14/15

Sorry for the lack of a post yesterday, but I just couldn’t see spending Valentine’s night sitting at the computer….!

Abby’s feeling better now (and had a good day of therapy today), but she may still have some abdominal issues that we have to deal with. We went to see her surgeon at Austin Children’s Hospital yesterday because she still has a place in her abdomen that is very sensitive to pressure. It was great to see Dr. Maxson (he was her trauma doctor in PICU, and his warmth, humor, and encouragement really kept us together there as well) and his nurses. He discovered that the source of Abby’s pain is a portion of her feeding tube—a small rubber seal called a “mushroom”--that came disconnected when the tube was removed. We had thought the mushroom was left behind in her stomach, which is usually not a problem, but, instead, her mushroom is outside the stomach and is evidently in a sensitive location within her abdomen.

Anyway, we now have some decisions to make about whether to have the mushroom surgically removed, and, if so, when to do it. It’s possible that Dr. Maxson may be able to remove it endoscopically, but if that fails, he’ll have to cut through the muscle tissue, which will sideline Abby from physical therapy for awhile. Abby’s definitely in less pain today than she was several days ago (it only hurts now if we press on the site), so we’re weighing lots of things—disruption of therapy vs. current limitations vs. Abby’s real desire not to spend more time in hospitals (it would have broken your heart to see her face on Monday evening at the hospital). So, now you know something new to pray for…our decision regarding this surgery.

Finally, I just wanted to say that Gordon, the kids, and I had a really good Valentine’s evening. We didn’t have a fancy meal (although we were SO appreciative to be given a delicious home-cooked dinner), we didn’t spend much on gifts (but the gifts we all shared were from the heart, delicious, and full of love), and we didn’t go out anywhere (instead we sat together and watched the DVD of our homecoming from Warm Springs and gave thanks once again for our beautiful home and beautiful friends). We are so appreciative for the love of our little family that is intact this Valentine’s Day and for the love of friends.

That means you!
-the Linams

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Abby update - February 13

I'm happy to write that we are all home tonight. Abby and I had an exhausting night last night at CTMC, but they feel like they've got her cleared up for now, and she does seem to be feeling a lot better. We really love her pediatrician, Dr. Harrison, and are once again appreciative for all the medical professionals who have shown such a deep concern for Abby's health and her spirit. I felt like I could see in the doctors' and nurses' faces how much they hated to see Abby in distress yesterday and how they wanted to do everything they could to help. I know it's their job, yet it's nice to see such personal concern expressed. God bless them all...

Anyway, we are hoping that, with a good night's sleep tonight and our weekly day off tomorrow, Abby will be ready to dive into therapy again on Thursday. It's hard to keep her down--tonight we even spent a little time outside watching her cousin Kim play soccer in Wimberley. Abby thought we should go, so I bundled her up like a marshmallow-girl, and we had a good time.

Warmth and blessings to you all,
Lee Ann & all

Monday, February 12, 2007

Abby update - February 12

I wanted to post a quick update before I head into San Marcos. When Abby woke up this morning she was feeling okay, but we discovered a very tender place in her abdomen (probably the source of her posture issues yesterday). Her pediatrician did some x-rays and discovered that her intestines were impacted again and decided to hospitalize her at least overnight, so that they could do some aggressive treatments to get her intestinal tract clear. These impaction issues have been a chronic problem for Abby since the accident and have probably contributed to her lack of weight gain, so please keep her in prayer as we try to both alleviate the current problem and find a better way to address the problem in the future.

Abby (and at least one of us) will be in Room 406 at Central Texas Medical Center in San Marcos.

Thanks for your prayers,
Abby's family

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Abby update - February 11

We had a good Sunday today, but I think we're all tired. After church Gordon, Abby, and I enjoyed watching a local (in New Braunfels) production of The Sound of Music featuring our own pastor's wife. Abby seemed to really enjoy it and was singing along.

Several things today, however, made me feel like Abby must be feeling weary. Her posture today was really stooped, and, although she usually can stand up straighter when I remind her, today she just expressed frustration that she was standing up as straight as she could. She also expressed a lot of frustration when she was working on some "homework" assignments from her teacher and speech therapist. Although she did the work correctly, she had tears in her eyes, and, when I asked her what was wrong, she said "That work was just too confusing." It breaks my heart that I can't fully understand everything that she's feeling and that I can't fix what I understand. Please just pray for her not to feel too weary or discouraged...I keep reminding myself that the road to recovery is long for us, but it's also long for her too...

Thanks for continuing to read and pray for the long haul...
Abby & family

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Abby update - February 10

Once again we've had a full Saturday, so a tired Abby has told me that I have to write the blog again because she's going to bed. Frank's waiting downstairs for us to finish Gone with the Wind (I think he's still hoping for some graphic Civil War battle scenes--I'm not sure how long he's going to be patient with Scarlett's drama queen performances...), so I guess I'd better offer a quick update.

Abby had violin group practice this morning and put in a marathon session. She once again started out playing with the beginning students, where the warm-up exercises are great therapy. More students arrived as the morning went on, and as they worked their way up through progressively harder songs, Abby just kept playing and playing. Before we knew it, she was playing some of the Book 3 songs. As she kept playing Paula and I just kept glancing at each other and smiling. It's all there--Abby just needs a little more help from her muscles to make things smooth! And once again I was encouraged by other studio moms (and dads) telling me how much they'd been praying for Abby.

During the afternoon and evening we helped the Jordans, our former neighbors (and Taylor's grandparents who spoil Abby and Frank like they were their own grandchildren...) celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. We had great fun, food, and music (Johnny D and the Rockin' 88's) at Fischer Hall, and, again, we met more people who had been praying for Abby and for whom her very presence there was a blessing.

Frank had a basketball game this afternoon, and, though he says that I shouldn't even mention it (it's been a "character-building" season this year), Gordon says Frank played a good game, with lots of good passing and defense and a few points...

Well Tara is beckoning, so I'd better close...blessings to you all...
-Abby's family

Friday, February 09, 2007

Abby update - February 9

It must have been a long day, because I'm having a hard time remembering what this morning was like...

Oh yeah, now I remember--the big news is that Abby skipped in PT! No, she didn't skip PT; she skipped in PT--you know, "We're off to see the Wizard..."--that kind of skipping. That may not sound like much, but skipping is one of the more complicated leg movements, and mastering skipping may mean that running is not very far behind! After the last couple of sessions, we can see that Abby's PT is serious about getting her back on the softball field, and Abby's all for that. In fact, recently we were telling Abby that the Texas A&M softball coach had invited her to come watch a game and meet the team (see A Circle of Love below). Abby was excited about that news, but said "That's great, but I'd rather be playing instead of watching..." She's motivated, this girl is.

After therapy we had another good riding session at AWARE. Abby's looking so comfortable on a horse again, and her posture has really improved since she first rode two weeks ago. Then, this evening we made it through the first half of Gone with the Wind before calling it quits for the night. With Abby's love of historical fiction, I've always wanted her to read Gone with the Wind, so maybe the movie will one day inspire her to do so...

A Circle of Love - Thinking about softball made me realize that I should share with you a really heart-warming series of actions that precipitated from one selfless act of love for Abby. When our friends were looking for items for the silent auction at the Taylor and Abby benefit in Wimberley, one of Abby's High Voltage softball teammates, Grace, decided that she wanted to give a very special item. It was a softball signed by the UT softball team, including Cat Osterman, who also pitched on the U.S. gold medal Olympics team. Grace said that she was certain she wanted to give up the ball if it might help Abby. We were very touched and then were happy to learn that another of Abby's Ultimate Force teammates had the winning bid on the ball, so it got to stay "in the family," so to speak. Then Grace's mom decided to use some good ol' rivalry to invite the Texas A&M softball program to get involved, and, as a result, the Aggie girls sent Abby an autographed practice jersey, along with an invitation to attend a game this season and meet the team. Then, six weeks later I got an email from the Aggie coach, Jo Evans, asking for Grace's address. (All I can figure is that Coach Evans read Abby's blog and figured out how to get in touch with me. ) Anyway, Coach Evans had not forgotten what Grace had done for Abby, and had managed to get Cat to sign another ball for Grace. About a week later I had a really excited message on the answering machine from Grace's mom. Grace's initial act of generosity opened the floodgates of generosity, and it spilled back on her again. The whole cascade of caring and giving makes me cry all over again, just writing about it. Again we see a glimpse of things God would let us learn through this difficult experience, and our hearts are increased...

May all of you, who have blessed us so much, be covered with cascades of blessing as well...
-the Linams

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Abby update - February 8

Not too much new to report today. Abby worked really hard in therapy--her PT really worked her on using those softball catcher muscles. I'm not sure that I could make it through one of her PT workouts, and I'm thankful that Frank was around to play a game of "crab soccer" against her, as I know my knees wouldn't have taken much of that! Her speech therapist commented today that she is seeing noticeable improvements in her memory--wonder if she read our blog and decided that we needed to know that? Or maybe it was a God thing...there have been a few of those in this journey...

Abby did schooling with Mrs. Ruiz after we got home, and then worked out with Frank's basketball team, so it's no wonder she was eager to get to bed. Hmmmm-come to think of it, that sounds pretty good to me now too, so I think I'll sign off...

Sweet dreams...
-Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby & Frank

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Abby update - February 7

It was nice to have a "day off" today. Abby doesn't have therapy on Wednesdays, so we were able to stay home and mostly catch our breaths. Frank and his friend Alex did their homeschool work, while Abby did a little English homework, practiced piano, stretched, baked cookies, and did some Social Studies with her homebound teacher. We all enjoyed some time outside taking a walk and jumping on the trampoline, and Arby did great in his obedience practice with Abby.

Abby's doing very well on her schoolwork in many ways. She's got such a good foundation of knowledge (she's doing amazingly well in her grammar lessons!) and obviously is still a very bright girl (she really had me and Gordon laughing yesterday with another of her "play on words"), yet some things continue to be a struggle. Primarily her short-term memory issues limit her capabilities, so recalling new information just learned is difficult, and performing complicated multi-step tasks, such as using reference books or composing a paragraph, is hard. I'm thankful that she seems to be improving, but it's still hard when we let ourselves look back and realize that last year at this time she was winning ribbons at the district academic meet in those very subject areas. Again, we find ourselves just asking God for the patience to be glad for each day's progress and the wisdom to pursue the right therapy and educational approaches so that hopefully Abby can look forward to that academic meet next year...

Still, we give thanks. When Abby was in ICU I recall begging God to let her once again bring joy and vitality to our lives, and she truly does. Now we just pray that He has many more promises to fulfill in her...and that we will not fail to see those promises as they are revealed...

Thanks for watching with us...
-Abby's family

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Abby update - February 6

Lee Ann asked me to provide the update today as Tuesdays are my day to accompany Abby to therapy. Before leaving from home, Abby spent several minutes working with Arby on our agility course. I mostly peered from a distance at the two of them so not to interfere, but was very pleased to see how well the two of them still work together. Arby seems to have adjusted to the slower pace and quieter voice commands and appears to be so pleased to be working again. It warms my heart so to see their bond and can see the two of them competing in trials again in the near future. I believe the maturation of their relationship is very similar to that we Christians walk with our Lord. As our relationship with Christ grows, we spend less time blazing around the course straying toward obstacles only being able to be called back on track by a loud thunderous voice from above, to one where we obediently run to a still, small voice.

Well, back to therapy. Tuesdays are the one day of the week when Abby receives biofeedback. Today we moved to a new muscle group (the hips) after spending the last two weeks on the quads. Part of the work today required standing on one foot, which she did quite well (I guess my Tai Chi work with her is paying off). Her balance continues to improve daily. After an hour there she went straight to occupational therapy where she worked on spatial skills, having to construct figures to match those in a book using a variety of geometric shapes. This required having to figure out that two triangles placed back to back would form a square, as there were not enough squares in the box of plastic shapes to go around. She had some difficulty with the harder shapes (I would have too), but completed the easier ones very quickly. After an hour of this my head was swimming, so thankfully we had our hour lunch break. Being such a nice day we took a short walk outside after eating. Much of physical therapy today was focused on Abby's gait. This included jumping exercises, leg crunches, and brisk walking. She received some good work on her neck as well. We ended the day with occupational therapy, continuing with reading and discussing "Scout the Christmas Dog".

Abby is looking forward to staying home tomorrow. Wish I could be here too...
Abby's Dad

Monday, February 05, 2007

Abby update - February 5

Today was a pretty good day for a Monday--nice weather, not too much traffic, and the kids and I settled into our routines pretty well. I'm afraid that Gordon might testify it felt more like a stereotypical Monday, however. After being together so much and sharing such depth of emotion over the past few months, it's been a little difficult to readjust to the mundane things of life (like work!). Poor guy--his heart is with us, but his body is at the office...

Abby's big news for the day is that she got to play her violin at therapy. Last week we found out that one of her OTs (not the cyclist with the slightly crazy therapy ideas, but another one) knows how to play the violin. So today Abby brought her violin and Judith used the opportunity to work on some fine motor skills with her. What a wonderful blessing to have both her therapist and Mrs. Bird use the violin to help her in her recovery! It also touches my heart to see how good Abby seems to feel about being able to play--it makes me feel like all those practice sessions that seemed so reluctant before the accident gave Abby a gift that she now treasures.

One of the other activities that has added some pleasure to our routine is that Abby and Frank are listening to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer on tape during our commute. The 7th grade literature class at Wimberley Junior High is also listening to this book, so Mrs. Ruiz has begun helping Abby do some of the review that the class is doing. We're all enjoying the book, and, I must confess, it's a lot easier to have a good reader read Mark Twain than to read it yourself!

I guess that's all for today. Gordon gets his day off from work tomorrow to take Abby to therapy, but I know he'd still value your thoughts and prayers for him and all his co-workers...

-the Linams

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Abby update - February 4

We had a super Sunday and hope you did too. We had a luncheon and some extended activities at church, and Abby spent much of her time just being with her teen group friends. She did eat at our table, where I counted three chocolate desserts on her plate! (Believe it or not, that's a praise for her, since it shows that her appetite is increasing. Now the three desserts on my plate--that's another matter...!)

When we got home the guys were sucked directly into the pre-game TV events, but Abby and Arby took advantage of the nice weather and did some agility practice. Each week she's a little quicker and more agile herself. When we finally get some consistently warm weather I'm looking forward to getting back to some agility classes with the two of them.

Finally, this evening I thought I'd just share a little Abby wisdom with you. As I've said before, she sometimes comes up with the wittiest phrases. We often harass her with some memory practice before bedtime, and, though she has good reason to indicate that she's tired of questions that begin with "Do you remember...?", she's usually good-natured about trying to answer them. One of her common responses, given with a smile, is "I'm thinking of something, but I'm not going to say it." For Abby that's a good sign, as it indicates that she's recognizing that the answer that comes to her mind is not logical or doesn't fit in some way, but I also think it's probably a good little piece of advice to all of us at one time or another. If only God would give us all the wisdom to know when we should just keep our mouths shut... :-) As Gordon and I begin another work week, maybe we'll just keep that little saying in mind...

Smiles to you all,
Lee Ann, Abby's Mom

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Abby update - February 3

Tonight I decided to ask Abby what she wanted me to tell you, and she said “I don’t know.” So then I asked her again, and she said “That I’m ready to go get in bed.” So I guess I’m on my own...

We tried to take the advice of both therapists and patients today and mixed relaxation and activity. We slept late (for us anyway), and then Abby and I took a 2-mile walk. Needless to say, Arby and Amigo were very happy!

Abby, Grandma Johnson, and Frank’s friend Arthur were among the devoted fans at Frank’s basketball game (they came so close to winning this time…), and then she spent the afternoon and evening at Taylor’s house. Judging by the smile on her face when we picked her up, she had a good time. I think Frank and Abby would say that friends have made this weekend Super, regardless of whoever-it-is that’s playing in that game tomorrow…

Thanks for being our friends,
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby & Frank

P.S. Abby did type one thing before she went to bed:


Friday, February 02, 2007

Abby update - February 2

Abby's sleeping well now, and with good reason--today was nonstop again.

First, her friend Hannah joined her for therapy at St. David's today. Abby really enjoyed having a friend around, and the therapists all put Hannah to work--She and Abby had kickboard races in the pool; practiced some balloon soccer in physical therapy; put together puzzles, told stories, and did drawings in speech therapy; and played Jenga and some crazy tennis-baseball-lacrosse hybrid games in occupational therapy.

Gordon, Abby, & I also had a conference session with the St. David's staff--We have grown to really trust and respect this group of therapists, and, when we do have concerns or questions, they have been very responsive in working them out with us. They indicated that Abby has met several of the short-term goals they have set. The milestone that I recognized today was that Abby can now hop--something she couldn't do a week ago. Her swimming was also better today, especially her breaststroke underwater.

After St. David's Abby had another great riding therapy session in San Marcos, where she rode Merlin without a lead rope nearly the whole chilly session. We got home just in time to get ready for a church gathering here at the house. We adults aren't sure what Abby and the other kids did upstairs while we were downstairs, but Abby said they had fun!

All I can say now is TGIF!
-the Linams

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Abby update - Jan. 31/Feb. 1

Wednesday's post from Abby:

This is Abby is talking for once . Today I went to the symphony and to the children’s museum in San Antonio. I had school, but I got a vacation from therapy. Now I am going outside to do agility with Arby.



Thursday's post from Lee Ann:

Sorry that you had to wait on Abby's blog entry--just as she finished writing yesterday our phone lines went out once again. Anyway, we did have a good, though busy, day off from therapy on Wednesday.

Thursday's therapy went well, and this afternoon Mrs. Shand joined Mrs. Ruiz to offer Abby a science lab here at the house! Abby was very happy to get some science materials to work on, and Mrs. Ruiz was nice enough to let Abby just work on science for the entire session.

We also squeezed a couple of walks in today. Abby actually got ready so quickly this morning (more progress!) that we had time to take the dogs on a walk, then I couldn't resist getting out again when the sunshine finally appeared this afternoon--sometimes your spirit just needs more than one walk in a day...

May you find your own spirit renewed...
-the Linams