Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Abby update - February 25-27

Many apologies for the lack of news, but it's been a busy 72 hours...it's amazing what you can pack into three days when you really work at it!

First, I wanted to share that our church service on Sunday morning went well. Neither Gordon nor I slept much on Saturday night, but your prayers carried us through. We were able to hold together to share how God (and your prayers) have carried us since Abby's accident, and the process of finding and sharing the right scriptures and music blessed us as well. Abby and Frank both helped with the music and scripture reading--two very tangible blessings for us. Thanks for being there with us, either in body or in spirit.

Right after the church service my Mom and I left for Mississippi to attend her sister's funeral. Our trip went well, though Monday was a bittersweet day--saying good-bye to Aunt Mavis and, really, the end of an era for all of us cousins, who shared so many happy memories at Grandma & Aunt Mavis' house, but it was also good to be together and relive some of those memories. I flew home on Monday evening, but left Mom there to tend to some details.

Meanwhile, while I was away, Abby was making big strides in therapy. On Monday she ran!! Gordon said that everyone in the gym was clapping for her. I know it must have made her happy, too, to regain that capability after so much work. Today she practiced some more running for me, and then we threw the softball with Frank during PT. She's doing well at catching, though she's still working on her mobility, but her throwing is awesome!! Frank was pretending to play first base, and she was picking runners off with hard throws right to his glove! Abby's coach for many seasons, Coach Amy, called to let us know that Frank is on her baseball team, and also that she ordered a softball shirt for Abby for this year. Coach Amy must have known that, while Abby may not see any official playing time this spring, we're going to have a hard time keeping her off the field!

Well, tomorrow will be calling with laundry and dirty dishes and science experiments (the price we pay for jet-setting on the weekend), but I'm glad to have the chance to share our good news and thanks with you...keep praying...
-the Linams


At 12:04 AM , Blogger Greg and Linda and family said...

Lee Ann, Thankyou so much for "making" yourself available to travel with your mom to MS. I really thought long and hard about trying to make the trip but it just wasn't working out very well in my mind. I was glad that I was able to meet Mavis last march.
I know you must be exhausted but I have been checking for the blog update all evening so I could find out how the church service went. I knew it would go well and I'm glad you feel good about it. It was so nice to see Abby and the rest of you saturday. Abby looks so good and I love her enthusiasm. We were encouraged by her smiling face.


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