Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Abby update - October 31

No Halloween candy for Abby today, but she did have eggs, oatmeal, chicken and potato soup, peaches, apple nectar, mashed potatoes and meat, green beans, applesauce, and cranberry nectar, and that was just for breakfast! (just kidding--about the just for breakfast part...). For each of her meals today she was given some pureed food. She seemed to really enjoy it--well, except for the oatmeal and the green beans, but even that was neat, because it means that she is discriminating against different foods, apparently based on what we tell her it is.

She did a lot more practice standing in therapy, after we got the go-ahead to bear weight on her fractured ankle. She was also fitted with new dynamic splints for one arm and one leg to assist with relaxing some of her muscle-clenching. When she's got everything on she looks like the Bionic Woman! I'm ready for her to knock down some walls, in more ways than one. We're still waiting for that break-through in her ability to respond purposefully to our requests...

We're also still waiting for that CT-scan to get scheduled to answer some of the other questions the doctors have. Our nurse spent most of the day relaying messages between the pediatrician and the radiologist, with the final result being that the scan has not yet been scheduled...oh well, that gave Abby time for a bath this afternoon!

Frank's spending the night with his cousins in Boerne, where real neighborhoods offer the opportunity to really load up on candy. I think he deserves it--he'll be wearing the "Cat in the Hat" costume that he made for the 4-H dog show, but he'll be without Amigo, the canine Thing One. As for me and Gordon, we'll just sit in Abby's room and eat all the candy you've all sent us...

Thanks for watching out for all our needs...

-the Linam family

Monday, October 30, 2006

Abby update - October 30

It must have been Monday around here, because Abby had a ton of work to do today. First, the physical therapists had her bear weight on her leg(s) for the first time--using her right leg (without the fractured ankle) to help her transfer from the therapy mat back to the chair. Of course, she was well-supported, but they were pleased with her ability to use some of her muscles to support herself. Standing itself is such an important part of rehabilitation, so we were pleased that she was able to take that "step" today. Then, in between the morning and the afternoon therapy sessions, she was whisked away to perform a swallowing trial. It was pretty cool to watch the barium-laced food make its way through her mouth and into her esophagus on "real-time" x-ray. The doctors and therapists were so pleased with the results that she was able to have mashed potatoes and gravy for supper! She only ate a bit, and the doctors want another week or so before trusting her with thin liquids, but, still, I've got to think that she was happy to have some real food again! Another neat development was that they put a special cap on her trach tube in preparation for seeing if she was ready for swallowing. That cap actually encourages her to do breathing through her mouth or nose, rather than the trach, and, as a result, we were able to hear her make some sounds for the first time. It touched my heart--I hadn't realized how much I'd missed just hearing her make any sound...

The doctors still do have some worries about her recurring low-grade fever and are being very thorough in examining possible sources. One concern arises from the fact that she sustained basal skull fractures in the bones between the brain and the sphenoid sinus. When last week's MRI showed some evidence of sinusitis, the doctors felt that they really needed to know the status of those fractures and whether there could still be any communication between the sinuses and the fluids of the brain (such a connection could make her susceptible to meningitis). For this reason, they've scheduled a CT-scan for Abby (probably on Wednesday). The MRI also showed that some pockets of fluid exist in the brain (although they don't seem to be causing significant pressure to existing brain tissue). Anyway, the results of both scans will be referred to her pediatric neuro-surgeon in Austin for his assessment. Please pray with us that those fractures are healing well and that the surgeon will feel comfortable that all these issues will resolve themselves. The good news is that, at 3 1/2 weeks, the MRI did not detect any evidence of loss of brain tissue, as might show up at this point if any areas had been damaged severely and lost blood supply. Instead, we still seem to be dealing mainly with some areas of shearing and bruising, both of which can hopefully be repaired.

All this brain-talk is pretty heavy stuff, we know, and sometimes it hits us pretty hard (I've learned to NOT go online and read brain injury references at night if I want to sleep); however, the optimism and faith of her doctors continue to give us optimism and hope. Her rehab doctor said today "She's in there, I know." We just have to keep fighting to help her get out...

Thanks for staying in the fight with us...
Lee Ann & Gordon, Abby & Frank

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Abby update - October 29

Sunday is a day of rest, even for rehab patients, and Abby seemed to appreciate hers. No therapy was scheduled for today, and we decided that the only stimulation Abby needed was to spend some time sitting outside in this beautiful weather, enjoying visits from friends. It was good for my soul, and I hope for hers as well.

My one indoor priority today was taking the opportunity to check my emails at Rhonda's (Gordon's sister's) office, so it's been good to receive an encouraging word from many of you. I think we can put together an occasional visit to an email-friendly computer, so I'm daring to post this request:

Our friend Jessie and Frank put together a map of the U.S. and the world and placed little stickers in every place that someone was praying for Abby. Many of you might have responded to Jessie (or the New Braunfels Church of the Nazarene), but, if not, then would you please just send me a short email that states the town and/or church where you or someone else are praying? I'm thinking I can count every church in Wimberley, so maybe you wonderful friends don't have to reply (but feel free if you want). I think this map will be a wonderful testimony to Abby and to others in years to come. Send your replies to mailto:lalinam786762@yahoo.com . Thanks!

And thank you for continuing to pray--we love you all, in the deepest sense...

--the Linams

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Abby update - October 28

Abby update - October 28

Abby was surrounded by love today. So many friends and classmates dropped by, and they transformed her drab rehab room into a rainbow of photos and colorful cards and posters. I can't help but wonder what went through her mind, when every time she woke up from a nap there was a new wall covered in color and love. We also offered her another change of scenery, as I took her outside in her chair a couple of times to just get a touch of the beautiful day we had.

Small touches like that are helping us to feel that we can make a home in this place as long as we need to. Although I have a hard time identifying some new step forward for you today, the friends who have dropped in talk about how much more alert and active Abby seems and how she seems to really use her eyes to take in things much more than before. Perhaps we're too close to the situation to appreciate that we've really come quite a ways since leaving ICU. A different perspective helps.

All the visitors were good for me as well. Frank and Gordon were away this afternoon attending a Texas A&M football game with some friends. I'm glad that they'll have their "guy" time together, as well as a break from the routine here. Frank has been doing well here--he brings his schoolwork to the hospital most days, as there's a lot of space around here for him to work and also play video games, basketball, football, etc. I'm so thankful that he now seems comfortable around Abby--I feel like we'll be able to work through this as a family. Thanks to all of you who keep him in your prayers and occasionally whisk him away for a playdate.

Just keep praying--here a little, there a little, bit by bit...

Lee Ann & the rest of the gang

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Saturday, October 28, 2006

Abby Update - October 27

Abby was busy again today, with full rounds of therapy in the morning and afternoon and, finally, a shower and hair-wash--woo-hooo! She took a long nap after that shower, but is awake now at bedtime, so we might have to sneak back to her pretty quickly.

There's not really any big news from today--Once again Abby did well with swallowing the juice she was offered, so the speech therapist wants to do a swallowing test on Monday. That's encouraging. Gordon and I noticed that she was engaging in more movements of her limbs, which might be a precursor to the next recovery phase, which often involves much agitation. It's odd to pray for agitation, but that's what we're doing now. The rehab doctor on her visit today felt that Abby was shifting her eyes to occasionally follow people who were speaking to her--hopefully some rudimentary tracking. Anyway, we've got glimpses of some promising developments and just pray that they do come to fruition.

Unfortunately, we're still searching for convenient access to email, so this is another comment to our own blog. I'm sure we'll be able to work something out, but if you need to reach us in the meantime, your best bet is to also post a comment to the blog or else give us a call. Just as an update, Abby is now in Room 427 at Warm Springs. It's a big room with a nice view, so feel free to stop in sometime...

Thanks again for all the prayers--they hold us up when worry wants to overtake us.

Love from us all,
-the Linams

Friday, October 27, 2006

Abby update - October 26

First, let me offer my apologies that our updates have not been as timely lately. We were quite spoiled in Austin to find email access at our fingertips at the Ronald McDonald House and at the hospital. We've had to do a bit more searching here and think that, starting tomorrow, we can work out regular weekday updates from Gordon's sister's office. For now, I'm making comments to our own blog and getting help in getting them all visible to you. Sorry to those of you who have missed your "Abby fix"--we've missed reading your emails as well!

Abby's had a very busy schedule during our first two full days at Warm Springs. We love the therapists here and the doctors, but find that it's a challenge to balance the medical and therapy aspects of her schedule. Tomorrow I hope to talk with the lead doctor and case manager about how to get everyone working together so there aren't so many conflicts and we can take advantage of all the services she needs.

Abby's does continue to progress in tiny little steps. Today she seemed to exhibit more limb movement and the contractions in her arms were lessened (though they were increased in her legs, unfortunately). She has a regular sleep and wake cycle and seems to try to put together responses to requests, but still doesn't quite have that capability. The speech therapist has offered her small tastes of applesauce, and we were pleased to find that she is able to swallow fairly well, although we are still a ways from her being able to really manage food in her mouth. Unfortunately, we had to miss our afternoon rehab today, as the doctors are still worried about her recurring low-grade fever and sent us over to Methodist Hospital in order to have an MRI in order to scan for any obvious sources of infection. I'd have rather been doing therapy, but the other health issues also creep into the picture...

So, slow, tiny steps is indeed how this all will go. Sometimes we're still so frightened that the steps will stop (a rather clinical assessment from the neurologist yesterday put us in that state of mind), but we continue to receive encouragement from all around, including our case doctors. Today we met a little girl who also was involved in a 4-wheeler accident several months ago and was very much like Abby's current condition. Today she walked in Abby's room and introduced herself to us. The rehab doctor just wanted to make sure we met her. Then the pediatrician asked if she could pray for Abby before she left from her visit today. There is no guarantee, but there is much hope in this place...

Thanks for sharing your hope with us...

Abby's family

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Abby and Taylor Benefit

Here is some information regarding the benefit planned for Abby and Taylor.

The specifics:
When:    Sunday, November 12
Time:     11:00-6:00
Where:   Brookshire Brothers Parking lot and Wimberley Community Center in Wimberley.  The Community Center is adjacent to Brookshire Brothers.  It's the huge metal building on the south end of the parking lot.
4H of Wimberley and other area 4H clubs will be selling plates of food.
Cypress Creek Church is organizing different area bands to play including Ray Wylie Hubbard, The Texas Renegades, and some others.
A Silent Auction will offer some fun items to bid on.

So many folks have asked how they can help the Linam's and Schaede's.  Here is our opportunity.
If you have some items you would like to donate, we would love your new or very nice used items. 
We can accept large ticket items to be raffled.
If you would like to help solicit businesses for donations, that would be greatly appreciated.
If you would like to work at the Silent auction for a shift, that would be great, too.
We are accepting cash (check) donations.  For now, checks can be made to HCCS ( Hill Country Christian School) or to the Linam's or Schaede's- but we will have an official bank account set up for the Linam's and Schaede's later this week.

If you are able to help in any way, have some donations items picked up or to drop them off, please contact Barb Colley 512-847-6377(h) or 512-848-7711(c).
Thank you and God bless you.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Abby update - October 24

Some things with brain injuries happen slowly, but some things happen fast--such as jumping from ICU to rehab! At 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 23 we made the decision to go to Warm Springs and by noon on Oct. 24 we (and all our tons of stuffed animals, books, cards, snacks, etc.) were here in Room 432.

Our first afternoon has been a good one. We've had very personable nurses (though it's a little hard to get used to not having a nurse right beside her bed at all times) and the pediatric rehab doctor and all three therapists already visited Abby. I think she'll like them very much--we do. Tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. we start therapy. At times we still feel like we have so far to go, but people here are offering us many words of encouragement in the success stories they have seen.

I just wanted to give a bit of updated contact information. The phone number in Abby's room is 210-595-2460. Visitors can come between 9 a.m. and 8:30 p.m., although you might want to call ahead, as we understand her days will be very busy with therapy and the other care activities. One of us will sleep in her room, while at least for now the others will be staying at the nearby Ronald McDonald House. (What a blessing we have discovered that these houses are!).

Unfortunately, with this email, we have to say "Bon voyage" to our dear friend Jessica. Tomorrow Jessie leaves to visit her sister Julie and brother-in-law Bryan in the Phillipines. When Jessie was a teen Gordon was her youth leader, but these three weeks Jessie has very much been a minister to us. She has filled very big gap in our hearts, especially in Frank's. Thank you Jessie. We love you.

And we love the rest of you, for the many ways you are standing behind us...

Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby, and Frank

Monday, October 23, 2006

Abby update - October 23

Today was a big day for Abby and tomorrow will be a big one as well!
First things first.  With the help of some very determined nurses and therapists, we were able to take Abby outside in her chair twice today and have our dogs visit her!  It was a really beautiful day with perfect weather.  The only down side was that Abby happened to be very sleepy at both those times and pretty much slept through both experiences.  Oh well, I think it was good for Arby and Amigo to see her, and perhaps she was comforted by all the licks she received from them.  I think Abby's still got her nights and days mixed up, as she showed a lot of alertness last night (even up to about 11 p.m. when I went to sleep!).
The other big news is that tomorrow we will be moving to Warm Springs in San Antonio to begin Abby's rehabilitation there.  We came back from Dallas with a strong impression of their program and a decision to only go to Warm Springs if we could have the opportunity to talk to some of their medical and therapy staff and obtain a very good sense of the program there.  Believe it or not, the director of the program there actually called us today.  She was able to answer all our questions and alleviate our concerns, so we feel very blessed to be able to choose a facility that is close to home.  In addition, we were able to talk to two families that recently had their children there, both of whom were favorably impressed and whose children experienced amazing recoveries.
So, as of tomorrow, you will no longer find us at the Ronald McDonald House in Austin or at Austin Children's Hospital.  The phone number at Warm Springs is 210-616-0100, although we don't yet know what room we will be in.  The phone number at the Ronald McDonald House in San Antonio is 210-614-2554.  We'll probably be able to be there starting tomorrow night, although eventually we may try to split our time as a family and spend some time back in Wimberley.  We'll keep you posted.
Thank you for holding us up through this point.  We are sad to be leaving the very dear friends that we have made at Children's Hospital, but are excited about reaching this next step in Abby's recovery.
the Linams

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Abby update - October 22

It was hard, but Gordon and I spent most of today away from Abby today as we made a trip to visit Baylor's Children's House in Dallas.  I think Abby enjoyed spending the day with her beloved Aunt Lynda (and also probably enjoyed some time off from being "exercised" by her parents, therapists, and Uncle Greg!).  She's doing fine today, although she's producing a lot of respiratory secretions, resulting in a lot of coughing, which she doesn't enjoy, based on the expression on her face...
We were very impressed with the Children's House, a pediatric rehab center (one of only two that accept children as inpatients in Texas).  Although the facility wasn't as big, with as much equipment as Warm Springs in San Antonio, they seem to be experts in caring for children with head trauma and special medical needs, such as tracheaotomies.  I think they would provide excellent care for Abby; however, it is a long way from home and from Abby's and Frank's (and our) friends and family.  With guidance from our rehab doctor, we hope to make a few more detailed inquiries about Warm Springs in San Antonio before making a final decision tomorrow.  Please pray for wisdom for us in that decision and for Abby, as she probably will have an "update" to her tracheaotomy on Monday.
And now, I'd better get back down to Abby--I've missed being around her today!
Lee Ann & all

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Abby update - October 21

Well, today it's been a long day for me and Gordon, but Abby's doing pretty well.  We're getting to be real pros at being nursing/therapy/doctors' assistants.  Today one or both of us fed her, changed her clothes, placed her in her therapy chair, washed her face and hair, did her physical therapy, and changed her bedding.  And that was all before noon!  Maybe we can get a discount for helping out!
In the afternoon we went to San Marcos to watch Frank's flag football game.  His team tied to end the season, and Frank had some great defensive plays.  I think that three different friends/families are on his social agenda for the weekend.  After the game Gordon and I stopped by home in Wimberley to meet with Mike Oldmixon about the house repairs (if you didn't hear about the flooded living room, then just pretend I didn't mention that fact).  We really appreciate all that Mike and others are helping to do to get our home back in shape.  We also picked up the dogs and brought them to stay with some agility friends in Austin.  We're hoping that Abby can get some time with her dogs this week.
Abby's day wasn't as exciting (at least I don't think it was--maybe she would tell us something different!).  She had some good responses to several different people today--just tiny, slow responses, but definitely something.  She does continue to run a fever, especially at night that is often associated with high pulse and respiration rates.  She's also tending to have high blood pressure readings, so she's getting medication for that.  I think these symptoms can often be associated with brain injury, but please keep these particular issues in your prayers.
Tomorrow (Sunday) Gordon and I are driving to Dallas to visit the Baylor children's rehab center there.  Please pray that we're not too tired and that Abby has a good day in our absence (some good friends and family members are going to spend the day with her.)  It's hard to be away from her...
With love,
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby & Frank

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Abby update - October 20

To our good friends all over...
Abby's sleeping soundly right now, and rightfully so--she's had another busy day.  Today Gordon and I helped to sit her up in the therapy chair, and our wonderfully fun nurse, Debbie, took her for a spin around the ICU unit!  It was her first time out of the room (well, except for all those awful tests and procedures) since October 3 and her blue eyes were opened VERY wide!  Back in her room, she was paid a visit by a golden retriever therapy dog, Tess.  (We've just got to find a way to get her dog, Arby, here for a visit.)  (I think I have some supportive nurses ready to conspire with me on that...).  Later in the day, after a rest, the physical therapist also helped Abby to sit up on the side of her bed.  She required a lot of support, but the PT was pleased to find that she was engaging some of her core muscles to help support herself.  Abby also had visits from many good friends today.
In the meantime, Gordon and I had a good visit with the rehabilitation doctor this evening.   She did much to convince us that Warm Springs Rehabilitation in San Antonio or else Baylor Children's House in Dallas are the two very best choices for pediatric head trauma rehabilitation in the state and helped to assuage some of our doubts about our visit to Warm Springs yesterday.  Nevertheless, we are going to visit the Baylor facility on Sunday.  We'll then have to weigh the strengths of both programs as we make a final decision.  It looks unlikely that we'll go to a rehab facility on Monday.  Instead, we might move to a regular room here at Children's Hospital early in the week and then move on to a rehab facility by the end of the week.  We'll keep you posted...
Thanks so much for continuing to pray and lift us up--though I'm yawning as I write this, Gordon and I both continue to have a strength that we didn't know existed.  It's not from ourselves--it's a blessing from above.  During the first few hours after Abby's accident, we of course felt all the fears you could imagine, and I couldn't imagine going on if Abby didn't recover.  And yet now we know a peace we couldn't have imagined.  We still don't have a guarantee as to the final outcome, but I know we can make it, and, most importantly, I know I can be as strong as Abby needs me to be.  Believe me, I wish I couldn't give this testimony, but it's true, and I thank you all for your prayers that have asked God to grant us this peace. 
And I ask you to continue to pray for all the days, weeks, and months that Abby may need to recover, because if you think Gordon and I have a testimony to give, just imagine the story that girl will be able to tell...!
Love you,
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby, & Frank 

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Abby update - October 19

Good early morning everyone...
I didn't have a chance to get online yesterday, so I wanted to send this note before slipping into Abby's room this morning.  Yesterday (October 19) was similar to the day before--some wakefulness, but more sleeping; a few semi-purposeful movements, but more reflexes.  As they keep telling us, it is a slow process...  Abby continues to have occasional fever.  They are culturing some of her tracheal excretions, as they have increased in volume (which she is quite good at expelling!)  However, it may still be possible that this is a generalized fever.
Gordon, Frank, and I visited Warm Springs Rehabilitation Center in San Antonio yesterday.  While everyone speaks highly of their program, we have a strong desire to find a facility which specializes in very intensive head-injury therapy.  Please pray for us as we conduct that search.  If we are not comfortable with our options by this weekend, we will probably request that we not yet be transferred on Monday. Thanks to all of you who have offered us some insight in that regard.
Better run--I want to be able to tell Abby "good morning!" now...
Lee Ann & all

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Abby update - October 18

We are learning to measure progress in literally the blink of an eye...
Abby had another good, stable day today.  The therapists once again sat her upright in a special chair for about two hours.  At least this time she had her eyes open for about half the time (as compared to yesterday when she slept through the entire experience...).  All together it seemed as if she was tired today and there was quite a lot of the reflexive contractions in her arms and legs.  Our baby step forward, however, was a moment when she did cast her eyes in my direction after I spoke to her.  Those almost imperceptible reactions are the glimmer of hope for which we optimistically watch constantly (and fear that we'll even fail to recognize them when they come!).
On the whole, however, the doctors and nurses seem to feel that we are on the path that we must tread.  I had a moment of encouragement today when a retired neurosurgeon who saw Abby last week told me that it is a painstakingly slow process, but that, unlike 30 years ago, when everyone believed that brain cells could not be replaced, we now know that in the adolescent years, the brain is actually ungoing some of its most rapid growth (and thus repair).  (Perhaps that awkward growth period explains some of the ways that healthy adolescents behave!!)
Perhaps our biggest update is that the staff here anticipate that we will move from this hospital to a rehabilitation facility on Monday of next week!  There are excellent pediatric rehabilitation facilities in Dallas (Baylor Children's Home) and San Antonio (Warm Springs).  We're probably leaning toward San Antonio, unless the rehabilitation doctor recommendations Dallas for any particular program available there.
It's actually bittersweet to think of leaving all these doctors and nurses who have shown such care for Abby, but it means that medically Abby is stable and it's time for the therapists to have their chance to work their miracles.  We're just looking forward to the day when we all can come back and let Abby pay them a visit herself.  Those plans include the nurses on the Star Flight helicopter.  They invited Frank to come by and take a look at the helicopter today.  He even got to sit in the cockpit!  I really appreciate the care here for our whole family...
And, we appreciate all of you...people say we're brave, but all I can testify to is a peace that arrives each day as I need it, thanks to the prayers going up around the world...
all us Linams

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Abby update - October 17

Abby had a busy day today, and we are giving thanks for many small steps forward.
As I mentioned, she was opening her eyes quite a lot last night.  Though she is not yet focusing on people individually, this is more wakefulness than we have seen before.  Also during the night, the doctors began to wean her from the respirator, and, by morning, she was breathing completely on her own.  The trachea opening is simply being used to provide a little oxygen supplementation and to assist her in clearing her lungs by suctioning (although she has a great cough--the nurses were enjoying telling a story that she managed to clear her throat all over a nursing student at her bedside!!).
Another wonderful step forward today was her getting to spend two hours sitting upright in a therapy chair.  This really helped to clear her lungs and caused a great deal of the spasticity in her muscles to relax.  Of course, the therapists had to transfer her into the chair and aid her posture slightly with some belts, but overall they were very happy at her tolerance of the chair and are hopeful that this will help to improve wakefulness and other responses.
Gordon, Frank, and I have settled into a nice routine, and, with help from friends and family who drop by, we've been able to also enjoy some family time together.  As Abby's interaction needs increase, we may have to work to maintain this balance, but, for now, we feel very blessed to all be together as a family and have Frank do his schoolwork here.
Just one final thought, as today I skimmed through dozens of emails.  I'm amazed at the number of people who have written us notes of encouragement who have never met Abby.  I can't help thinking--if these people could only know our beautiful Abby, how much more would they share our heart-wrenching concern.  I guess it's just testimony to the bond among parents and the deep love of a child.  In either case, my most earnest prayer is that one day all of you [again] get to meet and share memories with our dear Abby and that you come to know why she's the joy of our hearts...what a testimony she will then share about the circle of caring surrounding her...
Thank you for your shield of prayers...
the Linams

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Abby update - October 16

Well, I've just snuck out of Abby's room for a moment to send this email, but I'm going to try to hurry back, as the kid's been keeping her eyes open most of the evening!
Today's surgeries went very well.  It's so good to see Abby's face without any probes, tubes, or tape.  They are trying to keep her quiet this evening and are doing so for the most part (except for those eyes!).  It's so good to see them, and, although we know that her brain still has a lot of healing to do to be ready to handle all its stimulations, she seems very responsive to familiar voices.  We had a very encouraging conversation with the rehabilitation doctor last night.  She shared many stories of success, helped us count our blessings, and demonstrated a strong spiritual, as well as professional, demeanor.
We're looking forward to a busy day for Abby tomorrow, with lots of visits from therapists, so she and I had best try to get some rest now...
Love to you all,
Lee Ann & family

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Abby update - October 15

Hi dear friends,
Thank you all for your support in prayer over the past several days.  As of 8 p.m. Saturday night Abby is no longer on any sedation.  She is, however, still intubated just in case help is needed to clear her air passages from normal secretions.
The great news is that physically Abby is very stable and has tolerated the removal from sedation very well.  A CT-scan on Saturday showed that the initial bruising in her brain is resolving itself very well and no more swelling is apparent.  Thank God we made it through those dangers.
The news that requires a little more patience is, even though the doctors have been decreasing the sedatives in her bloodstream over the past several days, she still has not awakened.  Most of her movements are typical of the reflexes that those with head trauma show; however, the doctors assure us that we are simply on one rung of a ladder that will have to be climbed one step at a time.  Many patients require extra days or weeks to awaken, and therapy will help her body move from these reflexive movements to healthier, more purposeful movements.  We'd love to gaze into her eyes and have her respond right now, but we can also take the baby steps if we need to...
On Monday afternoon the doctors plan to take a couple of those steps forward by inserting a feeding tube directly into the stomach and performing a tracheatomy.  While surgery is involved, these are viewed as temporary measures that will allow us and the therapists to be much more interactive in stimulating Abby than is currently possible under the systems of various tubes.  Please do keep that surgery in your prayers.
I've been meaning to mention that I am sending emails from a temporary Yahoo account, so feel free to drop us a note at lalinam786762@yahoo.com.  I don't always get a response sent off, but we really do enjoy reading them.  Also, if you'd like a direct link to Abby's updates that doesn't require you to go through the school website, then you can link on http://abbylinam.com/.  I can't wait to tell her that she has her own domain name now!
Well, I'd better go and eat some of these homemade enchiladas at the Ronald McDonald kitchen (no cheeseburgers here!) before checking back in on Abby...
Love to you all,
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby & Frank


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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Abby update - October 14

Abby Update - October 14 (12:24 p.m.)
Well, the roller coaster is taking us for a ride again.  Abby didn't have a good night, experiencing high pulse rates and increased stiffness in her movements.  The most likely explanation is that her body is struggling to wean itself from the sedation drugs that have been used--like some withdrawal effects.  In any case, the doctors don't feel confident in the strength of her condition to try extubation today.  They hope to "tweak" the sedation drugs that are being used that hopefully will allow her to adapt to the changes better.  If that brings some improvement, then we'll move toward extubation in a day or two.  If not, then another option may be a tracheostomy that will give us some margin of safety regarding her respiration when sedation drugs are finally removed.
We're thankful for friends that have stepped in to help Frank enjoy his flag football game and some other activities this weekend.  People have continued to step up just when we need them most.
Please keep praying...
Lee Ann & family

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Abby update - October 13

Abby update - October 13
Today was another quiet day of rest for Abby; however, the medical team is taking steps toward preparing for sedation removal and extubation on Saturday.  After about 48 hours of very good cranial pressures, they removed that monitor from her skull, along with the urinary catheter and central line for IVs.  As we went to bed on Friday night, Abby was already stirring quite a lot, and I was a little worried that her last night of sedation would be not be a quiet as we hoped.  On the other hand, we know that we have to go through these uncomfortable phases of sedation-removal as part of the awakening process.
The doctors hope to turn off the sedation and extubate on Saturday morning (which is now today...).  We are very excited, but also somewhat scared.  Please pray for us throughout this day.
I just want to say again how much we feel supported by all of you.  Today our inbox at the Ronald McDonald House was absolutely full of cards (not to mention fruit baskets, care packages, etc.).  Thank you--though it may be awhile before we get around to speaking or writing to many of you, we want you to know that every card, every email, every prayer, is helping us through this time.  You're all family in one way or anther.
Lee Ann, Gordon, Frank, and Abby
P.S.  We're thankful for other blessings too.  As Frank and I walked through Waterloo Park today the blue sky was full of monarchs.  Life is such a gift...

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Abby update - Oct. 12

Abby Update - October 12
Abby had a peaceful, quiet day today. The doctors decided to proceed conservatively and keep her on sedation. We're quite happy with the conservative approach. Her cranial pressures have been very good--rising only slightly when she gets frustrated with her tracheal tube. Her fever also moderated today. The doctors decided to forego the stress of a CAT-scan and simply monitor her performance as the best indicator of when she will be ready for extubation.
We've been happy to have a part to play by giving Abby her physical therapy several times per day. I do believe we're seeing some progress each day. Tonight she opened her eyes in response to her Aunt Lynda's voice. We may have a long road ahead of us, but these small steps give us some encouragement.
Thanks again for your prayers and support. Keep in mind that you can also check progress reports by logging in to www.hillcountryschool.net and clicking the link under the Abby feature.
We love & appreciate you all,
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby & Frank

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Abby update - October 11

Today has been a quiet and reassuring day. Abby has been doing very well while still under sedation, with trends in cranial pressure going downward. That hopefully is an indication that brain swelling is diminishing. During a two-hour trial removal from sedation today her cranial pressures remained low. Although she did not wake up, her physical responses were improved over a few days ago, appearing more purposeful than reflexive. Tomorrow a CAT-scan will be done, with the results indicating how soon we may be able to retry full-time sedation-removal and extubation. One nagging issue is a persistent fever. The doctors have not been able to isolate any particular source of infection, so there is a possibility it is a "central fever," resulting from some of the inflammation in her brain. Those simply take time to resolve.
We're doing well, and are probably gaining weight at the Ronald McDonald house! Frank was able to spend the night with a friend last night. He probably didn't do much school-work today, but I know he enjoyed the chance to be with his friend.
Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to sit with Abby during our meal times. I think we have plenty of help through the weekend, and then we'll consider her status and wakefulness as we make a plan for next week.
We continue to be upheld by so many calls, emails, visits, and prayers--sorry if we miss you or don't get to respond, but we treasure the support that comes from each of you...
the Linams

Abby update - October 11

October 11
Abby has been stable today. The Dr.'s removed her sedation early this
afternoon to asses her neurologically. Gordon said that she gave the
thumbs up or "Gig 'Em Aggies" sign. He does not know whether it was
purposeful or just some body movement. But he did jokingly say that if
she had given him the Hook "Em Horns sign then that would mean she would
need a lot more therapy. HAHA. They will be adding the sedation back
on. This was not a test to take her off, just to assess her.
Her cranial pressures are stable.
Her fever is a bit lower today. Cultures still have not come back.
Physical therapy and Occupational therapy are working with her now- they
have been for a few days. They have started range of motion exercises.
The Linams continue to express how blessed they feel with the outpouring
of love and support from everyone.

Updates up to October 10th

Tuesday, Oct. 10 - 7:50 p.m.

Today brought some reassurance for us. After trouble on Monday with removal of sedation, Abby is adjusting well to being back on sedation again, with few cranial pressure issues once sedation and the respirator were re-established. We are quite happy to be patient and wait for her to improve before trying removal again.

In addition, I had a reassuring conversation with one of the doctors in the unit. Whereas I had imagined that yesterday's events could have caused additional brain damage, she assured me that there is much buffer room built into their management goals and that the swelling that was experienced yesterday should not be responsible for more damage. Praise God.

Today we also attended a meeting for family of head trauma patients and were able to obtain some reference material--we have been desperate to inform ourselves more, so this should help. At the same time, the physical therapist and occupational therapist stopped by Abby's room and began some of the range of motion therapy that will be important to maintaining her physical capabilities.

We also had a good day with Frank. He got all his school work done this morning, we had lunch together, and then he went to join a friend overnight.

Thank you for your prayers--we love you all...

Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby, & Frank.


October 9 (update by Barb Colley)

Today was a small set-back. Abby had been receiving a CAT scan each day last week until
Friday when she had an MRI. The Dr. Friday thought her brain looked better and didn't see any bad signs other than bruising, which he expected to see. When Abby developed some fever Saturday and they started getting secretions from her lungs, the focus shifted a bit to her respiratory system and the need to get her off the ventilator as quickly as possible. They actually removed her from the breathing
machine early this morning. But, the other, possibly head neurosurgeon, came in today and was not happy with the decision to remove her. His focus is still on her brain. They did another CAT scan today and compared to the other CAT scans of last week, show that she still has considerable swelling. He had her reintubated and resedated. So, Abby is back on the ventilator and they are going to take things slower at this point. First things first- gotta get her brain where they want it.

She does have an infection somewhere, though. They have taken cultures from various places to determine the location of it so they can treat it specifically. As a result, the Linam's are asking everyone to understand that they need to cut back on her visitors. There are so many bugs going around right now and even if we don't feel sick, we can take germs into Abby's room. They still very much welcome anyone who wants to come up to see them. But, please know that you may not get to
see Abby.

Gordon, LeeAnn, and Frank are still at the Ronald McDonald house. The
feeling by LeeAnn today is they plan on staying there until further
notice. LeeAnn's mom is staying with Abby overnight while the 3 of them
get some sleep.

Taylor is home. She was released on Saturday and will continue her
recovery at home.

There is a benefit planned for both Abby and Taylor's family. The 4H
club of Wimberley and possibly Cypress Creek Church will be combining
forces to put on an event. There may be music, a silent auction, and of
course good food. Will announce the details later.

Every one's prayers are being heard for our God is an awesome God.


October 8 (update by Barb Colley)

Great news for Taylor and her family. Taylor was discharged from the hospital on Saturday and is now at home.

Abby had a MRI done instead of the cat scan on Friday. Normally a MRI would be easy to have done but this was very traumatic for Abby. She has lots of tubes hooked to her and all these tubes needed to be removed before the MRI could be performed. The MRI showed that there is bruising on the brain but no other soft tissue.

Abby is still in ICU and the doctors are now taking her off of her meds at certain intervals throughout the day. What this means is that she is slowly being taken off everything she is hooked up to. This is a good thing. They are hoping to remove the breathing tube soon.

She has developed a respiratory infection and is running a fever. She started taking antibiotics yesterday. Today the fever is more minimal. Also the pressure on her brain is maintaining.

Abby has shown just a few signs of awakening. An example would be that she opened her left eyelid and then it would close.

Prayer is still so very important. Please pray for physical strength and healing for Gordon and Lee Ann as they go thru this week. Continue to pray for healing for Abby and Taylor. Pray for the Frank and the Linam's family members who are helping them. Pray for Taylor's family.

October 6 (update by Barb Colley)

Thursday night was a good night for Abby. She had a cat scan on Friday and the results should be in by Saturday. The cranial pressure has stabilized. There are reports that doctors are "pretty sure" there is no spinal cord injury. Her hand and feet were both tested and they all had movement.

Taylor is now is a private room. She is awake. She has a broken pelvis, broken wrist, gash on her forehead and a small scull fracture.

Gordon and Lee Ann were able to obtain a room in the Ronald McDonald House. The room there is $25.00 a night. There is a kitchen in the room so they will be able to warm up meals. They will be staying until at least Monday. In the meantime, meals delivered to them would still be a great idea! Over the weekend, Gordon and Lee Ann will evaluate their situation and come up with a plan to be there for Abby and to also be there for Frank. This may mean one staying with Abby while the other spends time with Frank and then after a while they would switch. Please remain in prayer for Abby and her family as they make these decisions.

The Linams would so like to express their appreciation for the outpouring love and support! They feel they have been so blessed by everyone. At the same time, they would still like to encourage people to lift up and pray for the driver of the vehicle and also pray for Taylor's family. Both are still feeling badly about the accident.

October 4th (update by Barb Colley)

Yesterday Abby and her neighbor friend, Taylor, were riding a four wheeler. Taylor was driving and Abby was passenger. They were riding in a hilly neighborhood and drove across a field and onto a road. A car was driving by at the same time as the girls drove onto the road. The four wheeler and the car collided and both girls flew off the four wheeler. Taylor has multiple broken bones that are serious and she is looking at having surgery. Abby has a serious head trauma with several scull fractures and bleeding. It was a miracle that there was another person on a four wheeler close by that led the rescue personnel to Abby's home where her parents were notified of the accident. Abby was life-flighted to Brackenridge Children's Hospital.

The most concern for Abby now is the swelling of the brain. She being kept in a drug induced coma. The doctors removed the sedation for one hour on Wednesday but the pressure was too much on the brain, so she is back under sedation. She also has a broken collar bone and a broken ankle. The prognosis is positive but it will be weeks of very long rehab. She will be in ICU for the foreseeable future.

Gordon and Lee Ann have been blessed by the outpouring of prayers and love. PLEASE DON'T STOP THE PRAYERS AND OUTPOORING OF LOVE. They are asking for prayer for the person that was in the car. They realize
completely that it was an accident. They also request prayer for Taylor's family who is from California and are new to the area.

Lee Ann has asked that Barb Colley be the contact person to provide information about Abby. If you feel led to call Gordon and Lee Ann, then do. Barb will be giving updates on Abby to this website as soon as she receives them.

The hospital does not have a lot of restaurants close by, so Lynne Kypuros is hoping to organize some meals to be delivered to Gordon, Lee Ann, Frank, and other close family members who are at the hospital. If you are interested in helping out with food, please contact Lynne Kypuros.

Blog Started

Daily updates have been moved to this blog. This will enable faster updates. Updates are immediate as posted by the Linam's.