Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Abby update - February 20

Hello. This is dad reporting in again. Today was the first day I got to see Abby in swimming therapy. Lee Ann usually is with her for that, but St. David's increased her pool therapy to two sessions a week so I was able to see her in action. I must admit that I have tried picturing her in the pool but my mental images did not come close to the real thing I witnessed today. Abby has always loved swimming and I have longed for her to be able to enjoy it again. We spend many late summer afternoons as a family in the Blanco River, just walking distance from our house. I so wanted this to still be a part of her life. I can easily see this happening again this summer, a vision I know our friends down by the river share.

Mostly the therapist had her doing a variety of exercises, including walking on the underwater treadmill, but toward the end of the hour long session she worked her way over to the edge of the pool where I was sitting and asked for her goggles. After putting them on so naturally she and the therapist began swimming across the pool. I was so touched by this.

I am registered to attend the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting in Lake Jackson in a couple of weeks. Lee Ann and the kids have often joined me in the past and plan to again this year. This will be our first fun trip since the accident and I am so glad it is to the coast and that we will be staying in a motel with ESPN (for Frank) and an indoor pool for everyone, but especially Abby!


The Linams


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