Monday, February 05, 2007

Abby update - February 5

Today was a pretty good day for a Monday--nice weather, not too much traffic, and the kids and I settled into our routines pretty well. I'm afraid that Gordon might testify it felt more like a stereotypical Monday, however. After being together so much and sharing such depth of emotion over the past few months, it's been a little difficult to readjust to the mundane things of life (like work!). Poor guy--his heart is with us, but his body is at the office...

Abby's big news for the day is that she got to play her violin at therapy. Last week we found out that one of her OTs (not the cyclist with the slightly crazy therapy ideas, but another one) knows how to play the violin. So today Abby brought her violin and Judith used the opportunity to work on some fine motor skills with her. What a wonderful blessing to have both her therapist and Mrs. Bird use the violin to help her in her recovery! It also touches my heart to see how good Abby seems to feel about being able to play--it makes me feel like all those practice sessions that seemed so reluctant before the accident gave Abby a gift that she now treasures.

One of the other activities that has added some pleasure to our routine is that Abby and Frank are listening to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer on tape during our commute. The 7th grade literature class at Wimberley Junior High is also listening to this book, so Mrs. Ruiz has begun helping Abby do some of the review that the class is doing. We're all enjoying the book, and, I must confess, it's a lot easier to have a good reader read Mark Twain than to read it yourself!

I guess that's all for today. Gordon gets his day off from work tomorrow to take Abby to therapy, but I know he'd still value your thoughts and prayers for him and all his co-workers...

-the Linams


At 7:00 AM , Blogger Greg Johnson said...

Sounds like you are doing great. Way to go Abby with the Violin. I know what you mean about the reading of Tom Sawyer, But nobody can read it like Ms. Davenport read it to us in the Fourth grade.


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