Thursday, February 15, 2007

Abby update - February 14/15

Sorry for the lack of a post yesterday, but I just couldn’t see spending Valentine’s night sitting at the computer….!

Abby’s feeling better now (and had a good day of therapy today), but she may still have some abdominal issues that we have to deal with. We went to see her surgeon at Austin Children’s Hospital yesterday because she still has a place in her abdomen that is very sensitive to pressure. It was great to see Dr. Maxson (he was her trauma doctor in PICU, and his warmth, humor, and encouragement really kept us together there as well) and his nurses. He discovered that the source of Abby’s pain is a portion of her feeding tube—a small rubber seal called a “mushroom”--that came disconnected when the tube was removed. We had thought the mushroom was left behind in her stomach, which is usually not a problem, but, instead, her mushroom is outside the stomach and is evidently in a sensitive location within her abdomen.

Anyway, we now have some decisions to make about whether to have the mushroom surgically removed, and, if so, when to do it. It’s possible that Dr. Maxson may be able to remove it endoscopically, but if that fails, he’ll have to cut through the muscle tissue, which will sideline Abby from physical therapy for awhile. Abby’s definitely in less pain today than she was several days ago (it only hurts now if we press on the site), so we’re weighing lots of things—disruption of therapy vs. current limitations vs. Abby’s real desire not to spend more time in hospitals (it would have broken your heart to see her face on Monday evening at the hospital). So, now you know something new to pray for…our decision regarding this surgery.

Finally, I just wanted to say that Gordon, the kids, and I had a really good Valentine’s evening. We didn’t have a fancy meal (although we were SO appreciative to be given a delicious home-cooked dinner), we didn’t spend much on gifts (but the gifts we all shared were from the heart, delicious, and full of love), and we didn’t go out anywhere (instead we sat together and watched the DVD of our homecoming from Warm Springs and gave thanks once again for our beautiful home and beautiful friends). We are so appreciative for the love of our little family that is intact this Valentine’s Day and for the love of friends.

That means you!
-the Linams


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