Thursday, May 31, 2007

Abby update from Abby

Hey Abby's blog viewers! This is Abby & my best friend Taylor (Vest). We decided we might give y'all an update of our own for a change. Well, today we went with our whole class to Schlitterbahn for the end of the year field trip. I got some sun burns and Taylor got some minor sun burns. We went on some fun rides like the Master Blaster, the Wolf Pack, the Black Knight, and some other fun rides.

Whenever we left Schlitterbahn, we went to visit our blind friend Juanita. We had fun and we made a new little friend Sassy (a dog). We also chased some chickens and ate some delicious pizza. While we were chasing the chickens, we were having some second thoughts because of the way the chickens looked at us. Their eyes were full of evilness.

On the way home we had to stop at Levi's house( unfortunately he's one of Frank's friends who is spending the night). Frank & I had a plastic sword fight while we were outside waiting.

Now, Taylor & I are here at home. It feels good to be home except the fact that we are being harassed to death by Levi & Frank! Hopefully we will survive Levi's nonstop talking. He has settled down but it won't last for long.

Well, that's pretty much everything. We are thinking about going swimming again tomorrow so we better clean up. We are going to play the best family game tonight, Apples to Apples. Well, everybody have awesome dreams & stay safe!

God Bless!
Abby & Taylor

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Abby update - May 30

First, I just want to say thank you to all those who are continuing to read. I know that our posts lately have sounded like average family news, and yet that's the good news, isn't it? Over the course of this journey so many alternate images of the future have passed through our minds, but we have been granted the blessing of living life as an average family once more. I still ponder that perhaps the future for Abby and for us has been altered as a result of Abby's accident--perhaps in ways that we would regret, but perhaps in ways that will enrich us forever--I only know that we have been granted the grace to embrace it, whatever it holds...

And, so, with thanksgiving for average family news, I can tell you that Abby celebrated the final day of school today, that she is elated to have her friend Ashley over tonight, and that we enjoyed a beautiful walk this evening in the Blanco River Valley as the full moon rose over the escarpment edge and sunset colored the sky pink in the west. I can tell you that we are all looking forward to going to Schlitterbahn tomorrow, but that Frank has to finish his last two tests of the year first. And I can tell you that outside our front door are two golden retrievers that smell an awful lot like skunk...!

Life is full of blessings (if you can just get used to the smell...)!
-the Linams

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Abby update - May 29

Well, they're all tucked in, so it must be time to blog...

Actually memories were flooding over me and Gordon as we tucked Abby in and said prayers with her tonight. Abby had been wanting some quiet music to fall asleep with, so we pulled out a CD that one of her night nurses at Warm Springs, Lou, had given to her. Lou was a wonderful nurse--compassionate both to Abby and to us--we both have many memories of him in his dark scrubs slipping into Abby's room at night, quietly checking on her with his small penlight, encouraging us in the morning hours with his vision of Abby's progress to date and her progress yet to come. As the music he gave Abby (Delta Sleep) started this evening, it was as if we were back there in Abby's room, yet the fears weren't there--only the memories of comfort and being close to our dear daughter, focusing on our love for her. Thank you, Lou, for comfort and compassion in the dark hours...

I will tell you one more update from today. Abby and I studied and studied last night and this morning for her Health test, but, when I dropped her off for class today, I found out that she had taken the test yesterday, a day early! That little stinker! The bad news is that Abby couldn't remember that she had taken the test (she actually thought she had, but then wasn't sure), but the good news was that, with very little studying, she did okay on the test! That gives me encouragement for the tests yet to come...

But, no more for now--tomorrow is a fun day at school, then Thursday is a trip to Schlitterbahn Water Park. With sleepovers from friends planned and no more schoolwork, Abby is one happy camper tonight! That joy and Delta Sleep should give her a great night of rest.

May you have one too!
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby & Frank

Monday, May 28, 2007

Abby update - May 28

Watch out! This morning all the Linams (including Amigo and Arby, naturally) were out on Little Ranches Road for the morning walk/jog. Gordon set a high standard, deciding to run most of the way, and I guess it was inspiring, because Abby and Frank each ran nearly a mile! My excuse is that Gordon has the running gene, and, while it's highly likely Abby and Frank inherited it, I could not have of course...Anyway, it was good to see Abby, who's always been somewhat of a natural distance runner, back in her stride...

The rest of the day went well. Abby's working really hard to learn a lot of material for her last Health test (who says the last week of school is just playing around??), and I feel like I'm still learning a lot about what works for her. I know she's looking forward to the summer break, and I'm encouraged by some recent conversations with teachers and therapists about some "fun" learning and rebuilding opportunities we could pursue this summer (Abby has forbidden me to use the word "therapy!"). Pray that we find the right balance of "non-therapy" and play for the summer...

I have a feeling that "play" portion will include lots of time in the water. The recent rains have the roadside pond near our house full of fresh, clean rainwater, so the kids and dogs and I jumped in this afternoon after school to cool off. I think that means summer has officially begun...

Bring it on!
-the Linams

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Abby update - May 27

Not too much news from today. Lots of showers in Wimberley and New Braunfels, and we enjoyed the blessings of being in our wonderful home following church. Abby enjoyed a surprise visit from Taylor, and I gave thanks for the friends that brightened her weekend and continue to be there when she needs them. We had to do a little studying for the tests coming up this week, but all of us had time for some music practice, some yoga, and a game of Sorry. The cello report is that Abby was singing along as I struggled through one song this evening, so I guess that means it was recognizable!!

Love to you all...
Abby's family

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Abby update - May 26

Today was one of those days when we needed more than one set of Linams. First, there was a 4-H horticulture show in San Antonio. Then a church friend needed some help moving in New Braunfels. Then there was a graduation party in Wimberley. Then friends had invited us to share a cook-out in New Braunfels. Then the 4-H Club put together an impromptu barbecue sale in Wimberley... I hate days like this--all of these people and events are dear to us (and many of them have been very good to us in the past few months), but I think I am also finally gaining some wisdom that "you can't do everything." So, we opted for the New Braunfels options--helping our friend move and enjoying some hamburgers with good friends afterwards.

I'm glad we did. I'd like to say that these days I'm trying to prioritize our lives based on the model of Christ-like giving that we received in the last eight months. Sometimes that sounds simpler than it seems to be in practice, and on a day-to-day basis, in the flurry of competing activities, I'm not sure I always get the order of things right; however, today, as I saw my kids carrying furniture, unpacking boxes, washing dishes, connecting cables for electronics (Frank's specialty!), etc., at least I'm satisfied with the choices we made...(but sorry to those that we missed!). It was a blessing to see Christ-likeness in my children--and today was a day I needed to see that simple, child-like faith was a blessing.

May you find Guidance for your steps as well...
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby and Frank

Friday, May 25, 2007

Abby update - May 25

We walked down Memory Lane today--although there were some roads that Abby didn't care much to recollect...

Abby had an appointment this morning with the physical therapist in Austin who is working on her neck stiffness. Michelle thinks that Abby can improve her jaw discomfort with some stretching, rather than try orthodontics, which sounds like great news to us! Afterwards we dropped by St. David's just to say hello to the therapists in the Day Program there. It was great to see those wonderful professionals, but Abby didn't think it was very amusing when I told her she needed to sit in the waiting room and wait for her next therapy appointment...

Then on to Children's Hospital. We finally had a chance to deliver the toys that friends brought to Abby's birthday party to be donated to the hospital. The staff there were so happy to receive them, and we were glad to have the chance to drop into ICU to see if there were any familiar faces. Abby immediately got a big hug from Valerie and Lisa, two of our "warrior" nurses, as Gordon called them--nurses who often spent their entire 12-hour shift on their feet constantly monitoring and tending Abby as all her body systems struggled in response to the trauma inflicted upon it. What another amazing group of incredibly capable professionals. But what was even more amazing to me was to have them look up and recognize Abby--then she was so still and unresponsive, her essence defined by tubes and monitors, and now she's so vital and full of life. That ability to really see the patient beyond the life support systems must be, I think, the essence of nursing...

Then, this evening, Gordon and I were able to stroll a little further down Memory Lane, as we attended graduation for our friend, Steven. Steven (Amber's brother) was the first kid we met when we moved to Wimberley (as friends of Steven, we won't tell you the details...). Seeing him graduate made us proud, but also reminded us that life slips by very quickly--May we all treasure the moments that each day brings...

Wishing you special moments tomorrow...
-the Linams

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Abby update - May 24

Tonight Abby would probably tell you--"one school-day down, only three more to go!" (And three more tests, unfortunately...). But, I don't think I'll convince her to tell you anything tonight, as her good friend Hannah is over for the evening (Hannah is the other faithful friend pictured in the series of photos on our April 26 post). Two comrades in chocoholism, they're currently eating brownies and ice cream and watching Left Behind...

Today was an unusual day for me, as Hannah's brother had Frank over for a visit, and I found myself "kidless" for a couple of hours. I headed to the pool--my favorite place to unwind--and had a very poignant encounter. I ran into the obstetrician who shepherded Abby and Frank into this world (she believes in swimming as therapy too), so when she asked me how my kids are, I felt like she would want to know about Abby. What I didn't know was that she lost a 13-year-old daughter who was hit by a car in 1987. We shared a hug, but I struggled again with the injustice of gratitude for our gift of healing versus sorrow for someone else's loss. And yet, God showed his grace once more. She told me how, as parents, they felt the loss so keenly and, of course, wished that more could have been done to save their daughter, but how, as a doctor, she has found peace with a knowledge that each year brings more opportunities to save lives, and that, along the way, those who were lost have a part in the knowledge of healing that now exists. What an incredibly generous perspective, and yet she is on my heart and in my prayers tonight...

With thankfulness for Grace that is sufficient...
Abby's family

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Abby update - May 23

Good news! Abby made a 90 on that tough English test today! As I sent her off this morning, I wasn't sure I could make an "A" on that material--trying to remember all those present perfect tenses being formed from those past participle parts...what an answered prayer! She's so motivated, too--she wants to finish her other subjects too, even though it's not required (she's just doing review material for the most part), before school's out next week. (Although, mostly, she just wants school to be out...!)

We had a nice evening, too, celebrating with Frank's baseball team at their end-of-year party. And, now, everyone except me is asleep, so I'm signing off...

Thanks for reading!
Abby's family

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Abby (& Yankee) update - May 22

Well, we're already feeling a little nostalgic--tonight was the last night of Frank's 2007 Little League baseball season. And the answer to your question is, "Yes--the Yankees pulled off an undefeated season!" The young Indians team was playing some excellent defense on us, but when Coach Amy sent "Lights Out Linam" in to pitch with the Yankees down by two (and the bases loaded), the Indians said "good-bye" to their offense. Frank had 10 strike-outs and allowed no hits in 4 1/3 innings as he closed out yet another game. What really pleases me, however, is that Gordon said some of the younger players really look up to Frank. I'm glad to think that his humble, hard-working attitude sets a good example for them.

Speaking of hard work, Abby did some pretty good work in the batting cages this evening. For the first time she hit some live pitches with her bat, and she looked really good. I'm very hopeful that next spring we'll once again be living the hectic life of a two team family and that Abby will be her own wonderful example for young players.

Please do keep Abby in prayer this week. She has several tests at school, and, while she's working very hard to prepare, tests are still quite challenging to her. The first one today in Health went okay, but the English one tomorrow may be tough. Pray that she won't be discouraged in preparation or the outcomes.

Thanks for all the prayers--Abby and the Yankees appreciate it!
-the Linams

Monday, May 21, 2007

Abby update- May 20/21

Now that the weekend’s over we’ll try to catch our breath and catch up…the Sabbath being a day of rest is a good idea…in theory…

Lots of events were happening at church yesterday (Abby even joined the teen group for a game of volleyball in the evening), while between events Abby and Frank provided a dog-washing for Boots, a sweet Australian shepherd that belongs to our friend, Bob. The many and diverse events of the day gave me pause to treasure God's faithfulness—Last fall Abby also gave Boots a bath, but at that time Bob was very sick and Abby was well. I went to College Station yesterday afternoon to visit a co-worker who lost his wife to cancer last week, while Gordon and the kids attended a reception honoring the graduating seniors in our church. On the surface all the events seem incongruous--illness and health, sadness and excitement--but at the same time they all speak of love in our lives and hope for the future and God’s faithful presence through the highs and lows.

Speaking of highs, Frank had another one this weekend. A slightly belated birthday present arrived from our Aggie friend, Ruth. You all know the story of how the Aggie softball team (currently NCAA regional champs and still playing—whoop!) became a part of Abby’s healing story. Now the Aggie basketball team has joined the story line. Ruth told their office about the events in our family’s lives, including how Frank, a huge basketball fan, has been a very faithful brother throughout the past year. In response, the basketball team, which usually only gives signed balls to a few select charity events, provided Frank with a ball signed by all the members of this year’s Sweet-16 team. He’s a happy boy—and I am amazed again at how hearts have been moved to compassion on our behalf…

Thanks for being a part of all that love, compassion, hope, and faithfulness that has touched our lives…

-Abby & Frank’s family

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Abby update - March 19

Cricket frogs, leopard frogs, and narrowmouth toads were calling on Hoots Holler, but only cliff chirping frogs were active at Guadalupe River State Park--oh wait, I guess that's not the update you logged in to read...

Okay, I just got in from giving another amphibian presentation, but we had plenty of other activities today too. In fact, the kids and Gordon were out under the stars tonight as well, with The Astronaut Farmer showing at Wimberley's outdoor theater.

In the morning Abby and Arby joined Wade and Shadow for agility class (allowing the rest of us to stay home and get a few more chores done--we've actually reclaimed our deck from the remodeling project now!). Thanks, Shadow, for sharing "your" car with Arby!

The afternoon included yet another baseball game and yet another win for the Yankees. The Giants gave them a good game--I love how all these boys become better players as the season goes on--but the Yankees used some hitting late in the line-up and some beautiful pick-offs by the catcher to remain unbeatable. Frank did his part--coming in to close when the starting pitcher tired and hitting a ball straight down the first base line for the second Yankee home run of the night!

Thanks for reading--may you have a blessed Sunday!
-the Linams

Friday, May 18, 2007

Abby update - March 18

It was another beautiful day in Wimberley--a day that makes you glad to be alive. And we were glad.

For the most part, the kids and I enjoyed a day around home. Our one excursion, besides Abby's violin lesson, was to visit our friends, the Carlsons, at Straight Arrows Ranch. The Carlsons, like we, are big golden retriever fans, and they had invited the kids out to see their seven little fluffy 6-week-old golden retriever puppies. There's nothing like "puppy therapy," and we enjoyed visiting their miniature donkeys, chickens, cats, and even corn snake as well. I checked behind the kids' backs before leaving--just to make sure no extra animals were making the trip home with us...

We saw the Carlsons at the violin recital last weekend (their younger sons are also students of Paula's), but I couldn't help but think of the previous time we saw them all together as a family. They came to visit Abby in Warm Springs on November 1. Each one of them was so thoughtful in speaking to Abby, but Abby couldn't respond. At that point in time each of us was speaking to her in faith that she knew who we were, that she understood what we were saying, that one day she would be able to communicate back with us and with her dog again... Some days I didn't know if that faith was big enough, but, thank God, our mustard seed grew, and today Abby walked and talked and played with puppies!

We're thankful for all of you who, like the Carlsons, walked in faith with us all that long way...
-Abby & the Linams

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Abby update - March 17

Just a quick update tonight, as it's almost tomorrow...

Abby had a good day today, but she had a wonderful evening! It was so lovely outside, and--perfect coincidence--her agility group was having a "games night" at the field. It was my first time back there with her and Arby for a class. It was like we never were away, and yet it was sweeter than ever before. Abby and Arby did great! He was so focused and fast (especially considering his lack of formal practice at the field over the last seven months), and Abby did a wonderful job of handling him in a very different type of game with lots of confusing rules. She even figured out one obstacle sequencing that everyone after her wanted to copy! It was a beautiful evening in every way, and we were glad for those that shared it with us...

Frank's still a little sore, but not so "oozey" today. Did I mention, to add insult to injury, that he also got stung by a bee after his three vaccinations yesterday? He's hoping for no more injections for awhile!!

Okay, bedtime!
Good night,
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby, Frank, Amigo & Arby

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Abby update - March 16

Abby worked hard today.

Have I ever shared with you what a source of inspiration she is to me, even aside from her remarkable recovery? Abby has always been a good example for me. She has always made healthier eating choices than I have, she has always sticked to an exercise program better than I have, she's always been on the alert for my bad habits, like biting my nails, she always sees the best in situations and in people (well, except maybe her brother)...

Today it struck me that it is a blessing that she has that element of discipline and attitude. This morning she ran nearly a 1/2 mile during our morning walk. Frank and I were waffling on the decision (well, I was anyway), but Abby took off running. When she got home from school she asked if it was time to practice piano or violin and then sat down immediately to practice. This evening after dinner she sat down and did over an hour's worth of homework. None of those things are as easy for her as they used to be, but she's ready and willing to tackle them.

Lately I've been realizing that we still need to be very purposeful in working toward Abby's recovery--that we need to locate the things that are challenging and not neglect them. Watching her today, I realized that she is still willing to work very hard--we just need the wisdom and the help to guide her in the right way.

Thanks to those of you who are part of that process (Abby was very happy to see friends at the Wimberley Village Library today as she joined the training for the summer junior volunteer program--another good therapy in my view!). Please continue to pray with us for wisdom and insight along this path...

With gratitude,
Abby's family

P.S. Just a quick prayer request for Frank (who has his own fair measure of self-discipline as well...). He received three vaccinations today, which left him not feeling very chipper (kind of "oozey" he said.) Gordon's already nervous that Coach Amy has asked him to fill in as coach for the undefeated Yankees this weekend, so he's really hoping his starting pitcher is not oozey...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Abby update - May 15

Today had a little different twist. Because Abby had a dentist appointment right in the middle of her school-day, she just did all her schoolwork at home, which gave us a good chance to work together on some subjects and a good chance for her to complete a writing assignment. Working closely with her like this I can see some things that are still challenging, but today I could also see that she's still improving in all her subject areas. We started out this process asking for improvement day-by-day, and I'm thankful my eyes can see it...

The dentist today took a look at some jaw pain that Abby's been having. It feels like TMJ, but he feels that it's being caused by some uneven tightness in her jaw muscles. Although Abby had complained of some jaw pain before the accident, it seems likely that the trauma and the resulting stiffness she's had to work through in her neck and shoulders may have added to that initial propensity for problems. He'd like for us to consider using orthodontics to provide her with some muscle relief and see if that helps; we'd also like to see if we can find some physical therapists with some familiarity with jaw issues.

After all that schooling and teeth-cleaning, we and the dogs were glad to spend the evening practicing with some of the other 4-H members and their dogs. Frank and Amigo enjoyed the chance to practice some Rally Obedience (a more "participant-friendly" form of obedience), and Abby and Arby are looking really good in preparation for the state 4-H dog show in July. Since they won their obedience class last year they have to compete at a new level this year. I'm just so amazed--a few months ago I remember thinking that maybe I could request a special exemption this year to allow Abby to compete in one of the lower level classes, and now I think she and Arby look ready to win at the higher level. God is good, and dogs (God spelled backwards) are good therapy...

I had another special moment this evening. It's not much really--just involves an after-dinner mint--but it reminded me again of how far we've come. While Abby was in ICU someone gave us a bag of York peppermint patties. Both Abby and I love them, so I promised her, sleeping there, that I would not let them all be eaten, that I would save a few for her. I forgot where I tucked them away, but yesterday she found them in one of her bags. This evening when she came in eating one after dinner, I was just overwhelmed again how good God has been to us. She's come so far. (And, boy, was I thankful, I didn't get tempted to finish the whole bag!!).

Thank you all who gave so much to us, and, especially, whoever gave us those York mints (by the way, we are out of them now...hint, hint...)
-the Linams

Monday, May 14, 2007

Abby update - May 14

It was a quiet day in Wimberley and San Marcos, out here on the edge of the Hill Country, and, after that busy weekend, we were glad to have it! Abby and Frank did their schoolwork and practiced music and sports, and, much to Arby’s and Amigo’s excitement, we took both a morning and evening walk! (Amigo even got a “deep-skin” grooming from Frank, and our sidewalk shows it…) I also had time to practice cello and read my Bible, so I’m feeling rejuvenated as well. And look what time it is on this blog post! Aaaaah—if only every day were so well-planned (we’d be bored…)

But for now, I’m enjoying the serenity (if only I don’t look at my dirty kitchen floor…!)
Serenity now!

-the Linams

Blog Maintenance P.S. After hearing that commenting as a registered user is rather complicated (mostly from my dear Mom). I’ve decided to allow anonymous comments to the blog. Hopefully that will make commenting much easier without adding too much junk to the site. For you veteran commentors, hang on to that identity and password, just in case we need to go back to the “old” system…

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Abby update - May 13

What a difference a year makes. I honestly don't think that I remember what we did last year on Mother's Day, and maybe I won't remember what we did today, but I know that I'll always remember that Mother's Day 2007 was the year I knelt in gratitude to God for giving me Frank and re-giving me Abby. As I knelt beside their cozy beds in their messy rooms tonight and remember back to those long nights of kneeling by Abby's bed in ICU, my heart overflows with thankfulness and I am blessed.

Just for posterity's sake, here's what we did today. After a busy morning at church we went to my brother and sister -in-law's house in Cuero to join my Mom there for a cook-out. Abby had a good time visiting with her cousin Kayla and with her horse, Cheyenne. Frank had a good time flying his remote control airplane and eating poppyseed cake (the final of his several birthday celebrations). Oscar, their Jack Russell Terrier, and Chuey, their giant Great Pyrenees, enjoyed all the company, including a chance to meet Gordon's parents and sister later in the day.

So, maybe I will forget the details, but I think we all will treasure the spirit of love and blessings that this day brought to our hearts...
Abby's Mom and family

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Abby (and Frank) update - May 12

Hello everyone. It's me again. Mom, the Blog-writer. (Any Hank the Cowdog fans recognize that intro?) If only blog-writing were the only hat I wore this weekend...but, what's to celebrate in a uni-dimensional Mom, anyway??

We all have had a good weekend so far. Gordon survived and enjoyed the airsoft field wars. We pitched a tent at the backside of our property (as far away from my house as I could get it!), and Frank and his half-dozen camouflaged comrades-in-arms cooked over an open fire, scrambled in and out of ravines, and went on countless missions, day and night. It was really a beautiful evening, and Gordon and I enjoyed pretending we were getting "away from it all" at the campfire 100 yards from the house...

Meanwhile, Abby recruited Taylor to walk in the Wimberley Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society with her last night. The girls retired to Taylor's house sometime in the night, while I took my turn walking the track just before sunrise. Though I missed walking with Abby, I enjoyed the chance to walk in the solitude this morning and reflect on the many friends and strangers who have faced their own battles and to marvel at the grace, strength, and hope so many have found. God bless Dulci (the young Honduran girl at the San Antonio Ronald McDonald House who has been battling cancer for over a year) and all those in need of hope and a cure...

And, speaking of grace, strength, and hope, this afternoon Abby played in her violin recital with the other students of Paula Bird. When we began day therapy at St. David's in Austin they asked us for specific goals for Abby. One of ours was that Abby would play in a violin recital this spring. Just setting that goal and seeing it fulfilled was such a source of inspiration and encouragement for us and for many in the audience. We appreciate Paula's deep love for Abby and the prayers of so many families in her studio. And we think Abby is a warrior (a beautiful and talented one, don't you think?).

So, for tonight, this Mom is again burning the midnight oil, but, oh, won't there be reasons to celebrate my blessings tomorrow!
Blessings to you...
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby, and Frank

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Abby update - May 10

All I can say is I'm glad Abby didn't ask for a day of "hooky" today, because I would have been tempted to grant it to her! It was such a pretty day! We had a beautiful walk in the hills around Hoots Holler this morning, and, again, Abby's attentiveness to the moment made us all give thanks to live in such a pretty place.

But, with great discipline, we refocused, did homeschool, and then took Abby into school at Hill Country. Frank and I had some important stops to make anyway, as a battalion of his friends are invited over tomorrow night for some airsoft wars and a campout in the woods. We bought the Sam's Club-size package of hot dogs, along with other provisions. General Gordon is assigned to the troops for the night. Abby, on the other hand, is participating in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life in Wimberley with the local 4-H club. I'll probably bounce back and forth between the two events. I certainly want to spend some time walking, praying, and reflecting at the Relay--so many friends and acquaintances have faced their own ordeals with cancer lately; I want to experience the Hope that this event reminds us of. Needless to say, I wouldn't check for a blog update early Saturday morning if I were you...

One other special event is on the horizon. Abby is playing her violin in a recital on Saturday at 2 p.m. That will be an emotional milestone for us as well. Give us a call if you want directions to the recital location!

Oops--I can't close without a baseball update. The Yankees continued their unbeaten season tonight. Frank had some really great defensive plays at 1st base, including a stretch and scoop that left him shaking sand out of his glove (but not before getting the out). Poor Cubs--they played one of their best games of the season, but the Yankees were great in the field!

May you have a blessed weekend, with time for reflections of your own...
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby and Frank

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Abby's brother's update - May 9

Well, the world of "10 and under" prices is now gone forever for Frank. That's right--today he turned 11, and we had a great day.

Frank and I have developed this wonderful tradition of taking his birthday off and just doing things together, and, I've got to tell you, it's one of my favorite days of the year. It usually starts out with breakfast at the "Pancake" restaurant in San Marcos (although this morning he also had a "warm-up" doughnut at home before our brunch out). After that we played a round of putt-putt golf, bowled a game, enjoyed some key-lime pie in celebration of my friend and co-worker, Andy's, birthday, and then shopped at the second-hand sports store and Toys-R-Us. Probably the only thing Frank didn't enjoy about his birthday was the 4-H meeting this evening that went "on and one" (one of Abby's favorite phrases), but even it ended well when I brought out Frank's favorite, cherry o'cream pie, to share at the potluck dinner afterwards.
The birthday gift theme was lacrosse, so thanks to Ebay and Play-It-Again Sports, I think he's going to at least look like a lacrosse player when he goes to camp this summer.

It's been a touching year with Frank in many ways. He has had to deal with a lot of feelings and a lot of disruption and, as I look back, I can truly say that he has matured into a young man of whom I am very proud. Though sometimes he expresses frustration (when I asked him recently why he didn't yet know some aspect of his grammar, he replied, "Mom, I spent all this year doing my schoolwork in hospitals..."), his heart is so good in his desire to help Abby. And, though sometimes Abby is quick to only note the "annoying" behavior typical of younger brothers, I pray that she, too, will see his heart and his desire to be close to his sister.

As for me, I can only say that troubles more clearly reveal your treasures, and I'm glad I have these two...
Frank and Abby's Mom

Monday, May 07, 2007

Abby update - May 7

I've been trying to talk Frank into writing tonight's blog, but he's opting to read a book on sharks instead. Imagine that! I thought perhaps I'd let him give you the scoop on tonight's game, but I guess I'll have to report that with the Yankees got another win. Frank was the closer again. He struggled with a very tight strike zone, but still managed to get three strike-outs to finish out the final inning (Gordon has dubbed him "Lights Out Linam.").

Abby had a pretty good day as well. She had an assignment to memorize some scripture verses and had really been struggling with it, so today I asked her speech therapist to work with her to develop some memory strategies. The two of them used a combination of singing some parts and memorizing some key words, and, by the end of the hour, she could do it! I've been worrying about these "finer" points of recovery so much lately--focusing on them really--so seeing her accomplish that task was good for me. I also just had a real peace this morning as we took our morning walk that God wants to make Abby fully whole again, and that I need to stop focusing on the missing pieces and instead celebrate each day's joys and accomplishments.

That kind of focus should make each day go better!
Joy to you...
-the Linams

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Busy Weekend

I had a busy weekend this week!
I stayed with Amber this weekend, and we had lots of fun. I went to see Meet the Robinsons at Wimberley's outdoor theater, and it was pretty funny! On Saturday we went to the outdoor church picnic. I played football with the teens, and someone stepped on my foot while I was running and twisted my ankle--ouch! It is feeling better now though.We also went bowling,and I got a s-t-r-i-k-e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fun weekend,

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Abby (and Frank) update - May 5

Sorry for the missing posts--there's plenty of news--just no time to post it!

After I spent one more evening out with the frogs on Thursday, we shifted gears on Friday and got prepared to take Frank to the state academic meet in Fort Worth. However, Abby came up with an alternate plan. She was looking forward to several things going on in Wimberley and New Braunfels this weekend, so we arranged for our friend Amber to hang with Abby. Amber has been a great baby-sitter, sister, and friend to our kids ever since they were born (we've know her since she was a precociously talkative five-year-old), and both kids really like spending time with her. She's always seen Abby as a baby sister and has shared tears and joy with us over the last seven months. Anyway, the new plan left Abby with a large smile on her face as we pulled out on Friday afternoon. They had a great time together. I think. Gordon, Frank, and I actually arrived home from Fort Worth to discover that Abby and Amber were still out enjoying themselves. Okay, so I guess I'll have to make Abby write tomorrow's post so she can tell you how her weekend was...

As for the rest of us, we had a good trip to TCU in Fort Worth. Frank did a great job on his math and geography tests, but, as I've told others, there are a lot of extremely smart-looking kids wandering around TCU on this particular weekend, so he fell just short of bringing home any medals. He's had a great attitude about just qualifying to compete at state, however, and we grasped further consolation by noting that not many of those kids looked like they were also starting pitchers for their town's best Little League minors team. Okay, so maybe looks aren't everything, but we're proud of our all-around kids. And, definitely, competition isn't everything...

We did miss Abby at TCU this weekend. We of course missed having her with us, but we also had some moments of sadness that she wasn't there competing. Abby actually has competed at state in three different events in the past, and we hope that she's able to compete there again one day, simply for what that would represent. But, God certainly knows that competitions aren't everything, so mostly we hope and trust that she will be where He wants her to all the fullness that her life should have...

But, right now, she should be in bed, so I better close and see what's up with those two blond lifelong friends...!
Mom, Dad, Frank (and hopefully soon Abby) Linam

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Abby update - May 2

With the boom of thunder and streaks of lightning going on outside right now, I don't think I'm going to keep my fingers attached to an electronic device that pulls lots of amps for very long this evening. Besides, everyone else in the house (including the two dogs) are all bedded down together downstairs for comfort, so I need to join them!

So, just a short note to say everyone had a good day today. We squeezed a walk in this morning between the thunderstorms of last night and today. Abby's second test went well (a 92!), and Frank's 2nd and 3rd tests went well. I'm almost ready for my fourth workshop in 9 days (in Boerne tomorrow), and, as a result, I didn't pursue my new hobby tonight.

Oh yeah, my new hobby...I failed to tell you the story of how Frank thought his mom had gone over the edge yesterday. We'd gone to a string shop (as in violins, cellos, etc.) to get a small repair done on Abby's violin. Much to Frank's amazement, as we waited on the repair, I told the young man behind the counter that I'd like to rent a cello! Actually, I've always loved the cello, and, maybe it's like a lot of things you think of when you're in your mid-40s, but I just thought, "now's the time to learn!" So, we loaded a cello into the back of the CRV with Frank's baseball gear and our gym bag, and I brought a cello home. I discovered that I do really love the sound of a cello, but that getting it to make music is not one of those immediate gratification things. So, now my theoretical schedule for each day (note the emphasis on theoretical) includes cello practice time...I'll let you know when music finally emerges. All I can tell you is that, if Abby is still willing to practice the violin, even with all the trouble her hand tremors give her, then I certainly can spend some time with my cello--she inspires me.

Okay, that last lightning strike was close enough--I'm signing off, and dreaming of Yo Yo Ma...
Abby & Frank's crazy mom

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Abby update - May 1

Someone brought home a report card today—someone who hasn’t had a report card in over six months…and it looked pretty good!

Abby was only 0.6 points away from making honor roll this six weeks (and Hill Country requires an average of 95 for honor roll!). Although it’s the first time she’s ever missed making honor roll and although she is not doing the volume of work that her peers are, we are celebrating where she is—remembering that in November she could not even speak words; remembering that in December she was reading words, but not really comprehending them; remembering that in February she could comprehend them, but not remember them; remembering that the healing can continue…

But, no time for sitting on laurels…Abby had to take a spelling test today (she made a 95, with lots of memorization required). Tomorrow she has to take a social studies test, so keep her in your prayers. And just to be fair, Frank is taking five tests this week (his “teacher” didn’t do a very good job of spreading out his work…), while also preparing for his state competitions in geography and math this weekend, so he’d probably appreciate a little help from Above too!

Thank you for continuing to read and to pray for our family. We currently have several friends and colleagues who are surrounded by heartbreak, and, though we’ve always tried to let people know that we are “thinking of” and praying for them, we feel like we now personally know what those prayers can do. They lift you up to a God who can give you peace when you can’t find hope, and, though God has been gracious to us in Abby’s healing, we have a renewed belief that those prayers can hold you up when all around is despair. Keep praying—for Abby and for all those you love…

With prayers for you…
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby and Frank