Abby (& Yankee) update - May 22
Well, we're already feeling a little nostalgic--tonight was the last night of Frank's 2007 Little League baseball season. And the answer to your question is, "Yes--the Yankees pulled off an undefeated season!" The young Indians team was playing some excellent defense on us, but when Coach Amy sent "Lights Out Linam" in to pitch with the Yankees down by two (and the bases loaded), the Indians said "good-bye" to their offense. Frank had 10 strike-outs and allowed no hits in 4 1/3 innings as he closed out yet another game. What really pleases me, however, is that Gordon said some of the younger players really look up to Frank. I'm glad to think that his humble, hard-working attitude sets a good example for them.
Speaking of hard work, Abby did some pretty good work in the batting cages this evening. For the first time she hit some live pitches with her bat, and she looked really good. I'm very hopeful that next spring we'll once again be living the hectic life of a two team family and that Abby will be her own wonderful example for young players.
Please do keep Abby in prayer this week. She has several tests at school, and, while she's working very hard to prepare, tests are still quite challenging to her. The first one today in Health went okay, but the English one tomorrow may be tough. Pray that she won't be discouraged in preparation or the outcomes.
Thanks for all the prayers--Abby and the Yankees appreciate it!
-the Linams
Way, to go 'lights out linam' you really turned out their lights.
Abby english ain't ever been my best subject either, but I pray that you make a hundred on the test.
Frank, you are a Yankee Doodle Dandy!! Insure your arm for a million bucks or so.
Abby, just think that for every 5 points above 85 you make, mom or dad will add that many sccops of ice cream to your cone.
See y'all this weekend in MS?
Frank, congratulations to you and the whole team for the season of hard work. The results were amazing and I surely wish I could have been present. I thoight I heaad a week day game but I never knew what day. Abby, I do pray for you a good test day, and if the score Is not what you like, remember God is leading you. and He will guide you around all those obstacles and the end reult may be a surprise...have a good day!! jg appears to be expecting someone in Ms. this weekend, But I've not heard anymore and can't call without my phone.
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