Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Abby update - May 15

Today had a little different twist. Because Abby had a dentist appointment right in the middle of her school-day, she just did all her schoolwork at home, which gave us a good chance to work together on some subjects and a good chance for her to complete a writing assignment. Working closely with her like this I can see some things that are still challenging, but today I could also see that she's still improving in all her subject areas. We started out this process asking for improvement day-by-day, and I'm thankful my eyes can see it...

The dentist today took a look at some jaw pain that Abby's been having. It feels like TMJ, but he feels that it's being caused by some uneven tightness in her jaw muscles. Although Abby had complained of some jaw pain before the accident, it seems likely that the trauma and the resulting stiffness she's had to work through in her neck and shoulders may have added to that initial propensity for problems. He'd like for us to consider using orthodontics to provide her with some muscle relief and see if that helps; we'd also like to see if we can find some physical therapists with some familiarity with jaw issues.

After all that schooling and teeth-cleaning, we and the dogs were glad to spend the evening practicing with some of the other 4-H members and their dogs. Frank and Amigo enjoyed the chance to practice some Rally Obedience (a more "participant-friendly" form of obedience), and Abby and Arby are looking really good in preparation for the state 4-H dog show in July. Since they won their obedience class last year they have to compete at a new level this year. I'm just so amazed--a few months ago I remember thinking that maybe I could request a special exemption this year to allow Abby to compete in one of the lower level classes, and now I think she and Arby look ready to win at the higher level. God is good, and dogs (God spelled backwards) are good therapy...

I had another special moment this evening. It's not much really--just involves an after-dinner mint--but it reminded me again of how far we've come. While Abby was in ICU someone gave us a bag of York peppermint patties. Both Abby and I love them, so I promised her, sleeping there, that I would not let them all be eaten, that I would save a few for her. I forgot where I tucked them away, but yesterday she found them in one of her bags. This evening when she came in eating one after dinner, I was just overwhelmed again how good God has been to us. She's come so far. (And, boy, was I thankful, I didn't get tempted to finish the whole bag!!).

Thank you all who gave so much to us, and, especially, whoever gave us those York mints (by the way, we are out of them now...hint, hint...)
-the Linams


At 10:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How I wish I could run over with a bag of york ments and try to trace down my telephone and clip board. My art teacher didn't think I needed to make any changes in my sketch of the church, but looking at it this norn, since I painted in the roof I believe the bell tower should be taller .. It looks sorta squssed down. I surely pray Abby won't have her Dad's jaw problem.

At 10:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was so very good to see Abby today at the Library --Abby, thank you for sharing your time with us and thank you all for sharing Abby with us. SuzAnne Beard


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