Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Abby update - May 1

Someone brought home a report card today—someone who hasn’t had a report card in over six months…and it looked pretty good!

Abby was only 0.6 points away from making honor roll this six weeks (and Hill Country requires an average of 95 for honor roll!). Although it’s the first time she’s ever missed making honor roll and although she is not doing the volume of work that her peers are, we are celebrating where she is—remembering that in November she could not even speak words; remembering that in December she was reading words, but not really comprehending them; remembering that in February she could comprehend them, but not remember them; remembering that the healing can continue…

But, no time for sitting on laurels…Abby had to take a spelling test today (she made a 95, with lots of memorization required). Tomorrow she has to take a social studies test, so keep her in your prayers. And just to be fair, Frank is taking five tests this week (his “teacher” didn’t do a very good job of spreading out his work…), while also preparing for his state competitions in geography and math this weekend, so he’d probably appreciate a little help from Above too!

Thank you for continuing to read and to pray for our family. We currently have several friends and colleagues who are surrounded by heartbreak, and, though we’ve always tried to let people know that we are “thinking of” and praying for them, we feel like we now personally know what those prayers can do. They lift you up to a God who can give you peace when you can’t find hope, and, though God has been gracious to us in Abby’s healing, we have a renewed belief that those prayers can hold you up when all around is despair. Keep praying—for Abby and for all those you love…

With prayers for you…
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby and Frank


At 7:07 AM , Blogger JG said...

Way to go Abby!! We will pray for Abby's growth.

Shame on Frank's teacher for scheduling 5 tests in one week.

Good luck Frank on your geography and math competitions.


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