Monday, May 14, 2007

Abby update - May 14

It was a quiet day in Wimberley and San Marcos, out here on the edge of the Hill Country, and, after that busy weekend, we were glad to have it! Abby and Frank did their schoolwork and practiced music and sports, and, much to Arby’s and Amigo’s excitement, we took both a morning and evening walk! (Amigo even got a “deep-skin” grooming from Frank, and our sidewalk shows it…) I also had time to practice cello and read my Bible, so I’m feeling rejuvenated as well. And look what time it is on this blog post! Aaaaah—if only every day were so well-planned (we’d be bored…)

But for now, I’m enjoying the serenity (if only I don’t look at my dirty kitchen floor…!)
Serenity now!

-the Linams

Blog Maintenance P.S. After hearing that commenting as a registered user is rather complicated (mostly from my dear Mom). I’ve decided to allow anonymous comments to the blog. Hopefully that will make commenting much easier without adding too much junk to the site. For you veteran commentors, hang on to that identity and password, just in case we need to go back to the “old” system…


At 11:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, let's see if I can do an anonymous comment. It was a grand weekend, but Bernice had to wake me when she came out of the Doctor's office about 10;30. She had slept most of the way to Victory and also most of the way back to Austwell. Maybe the napping is contagious. We came home after a run through the Grocery store. Then I spent most of the afternoon stetching our church on site. I had difficulty with the perception. When the teacher asks where is my picture I am using for a guide for my perception and color placement, I'll just act dumb. I told Bernice her part is to critique my rendition. Glad all there had a relaxing day. O K here goes!!!

At 7:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous postings look like they will be easier to post. But one must remember that it doesn't have to remain anonymous. Cause someone out there might want to know who went all the way to "victory" and back to Austwell with Bernice, as if most of us have to ask, dear old mom. Anyway we will certainly enjoy the ease of this new posting routine. We did enjoy having everyone come down, except Stephen, sorry you couldn't make it Bro, but your welcome to visit anytime.

Uncle Greg


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