Saturday, March 31, 2007

Abby update - March 31

It must be spring around here--lots of rain showers, frogs, bluebonnets, and BASEBALL!

Today was the opening day of Wimberley Little League, and both our kids were out on the fields. Frank's Yankees were looking like they might be the team to beat again this year, as they won their opener against the Cubs handily. Frank played first base and did well at the plate. In fact, he managed to turn a little dribbler up the middle in the 3rd inning into an overthrow-assisted home run! He was the last batter in the line-up, so the coaches told him to just keep running...

Abby was back in uniform too. Though not officially a part of of the Ultimate Force team this year, they had her wear her uniform and join them for opening ceremonies and for warm-up. She looked quite at home with her strong throws, and it was great to hear her chants coming from the dugout. As her mobility improves, I'm thinking she'll be itching to be back in the roster--we'll see...we've learned to believe that, with God and Abby's determination, all things are possible...

Indeed, it was just good to be back at the fields. Gordon and I always enjoy baseball and softball season--there's just a certain camaraderie in Wimberley, sitting along the baselines, eating hotdogs and peanuts, watching the sun go down, and cheering for every good play on either side. It was very good to be there as a family this year, and, though I thought the day might be bittersweet, Abby's good spirits and well wishes from lots of friends helped us to only see the joy in the day. There will be more seasons, and for that we are thankful.

So, play ball!
-the Linams

Friday, March 30, 2007

Abby update - March 30

Boy, were we glad we have a dependable little fuel-efficient Honda today. Abby and Frank's activities kept us moving all day long. Here's the condensed version:

7:30 a.m. - Take Abby, Taylor and Frank to the doughnut shop so Gordon can meet Kenny to catch a ride to work (the GMC truck wasn't so dependable this week...) and so the rest of us can eat doughnuts!

8:00 a.m. - Drop off Abby and Taylor at Wimberley Junior High. Abby ran into a few more friends there today--each day seems a little better than the day before.

10:00 a.m. - Pick up Abby to take her to a PT appointment in Austin (we're still having a PT work on some of her neck flexibility, but it's better!).

12:00 p.m. - Drop by my office, by Subway for lunch (had to make up for those doughnuts for breakfast...), and by Academy to buy baseball pants for Frank and a couple of secret items for Abby.

1:30 p.m. - Drop off Frank for a birthday party sleepover in Austin.

2:30 p.m. - Violin lesson for Abby back in Wimberley--Though some residual tremors offer some real physical challenges for Abby's bow hand, she herself is improving each week!

4:00 p.m. - We're in San Marcos for riding therapy. Abby looks really good riding Merline in an English saddle today!

5:30 p.m. - Drop off Abby just outside San Marcos for a party for the girls in her class at HCCS--thanks to the brave moms (who don't even have junior high girls) for hosting it!

6:00 p.m. - I get to go out for my third meal of the day--no cooking all day and a date with my husband--whooo-hoooo!

9:00 p.m. - Pick up Abby and head home to Wimberley with a CR-V full of school books, work items, baseball gear, sleeping bags, riding boots, birthday party supplies, and some used dog beds that I found in someone's trash can on the side of the road--Honda really should hire us for a commercial, I think!!!

And there you have it--just another typical day for an American family of four!
Abby's mom

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Abby update - March 28/29

Hi everyone,

Sorry about no post yesterday. When I couldn't log on at 11 p.m., I just took it as a sign that I was supposed to go to bed.

We all actually got to bed much too late yesterday. We just had to squeeze in one more Aggie softball game. Last night they were playing UT in Austin. Not only did we want to catch what we thought would be a good game (it wasn't), but we wanted to invite Abby's softball friend Grace and her mom to go with us. Grace is the selfless young lady who donated a softball signed by Cat Osterman and the UT softball team to Abby & Taylor's fundraiser, and her mom is the one who instigated things to get the TAMU softball team involved. We thought it would be an appropriate way to close out the story of everyone's generosity to have Abby and Grace be able to go to the game together. Grace was a good sport, and she and her mom sat with us in the maroon-shirt section, but in the end, she could smile, as the Longhorns played great (A&M did not) and took the game, no contest, from the #2-ranked Aggies. Grace really wanted to say "thank you" to Coach Evans of the A&M team for sending a replacement Cat-autographed ball to her, but we weren't sure if Coach Evans would be "in the mood" for conversing with fans after the way the Aggies played. We should have known better--Coach Evans is a classy lady. She shook Grace's hand and told her that "that was a wonderful thing you did" (donating her ball to the fund-raiser.) And, thus, the inspirational ending to the miracle softball story (at least until Grace and Abby face each other at Red McCombs Field as Longhorn pitcher and Aggie catcher, respectively...)

Okay, I guess there is also a little non-softball news from the last couple of days as well. Abby did start some classes at Wimberley Junior High (Danforth) on Wednesday. I think her report might read something like: Wednesday-I survived. Thursday-was okay. The size and confusion of the public school has been a little overwhelming I think, and, though Taylor Schaede has been by Abby's side to help her get to classes whenever she could, Abby doesn't know anyone who is in the classes she is taking. We really feel that Abby needs the instructional services that the public school can offer, but we want her to feel emotionally secure as well. As always, Abby is a trooper--doing what we ask her to do--but please pray that we, her teachers, and her counselors there will recognize the right thing for her spirit.

And, bummer, now that she's in public school, we have to get up and get ready on Fridays as well, so I guess I'd better start checking notebooks, school clothes, lunches, etc...

-the Linams

P.S. You might want to check out the post below if you'd like to know how you can help provide items to Children's Hospital of Austin.

Children's Hospital of Austin Wish List

Hi everyone,

I just received a "Wish List" from the Austin Children's Hospital. Even if you can't make it to Abby's party, I thought I would pass along some notes about the high demand items that are on their list--perhaps you'd like to think of making a donation in someone else's honor sometime...

Infant & Toddler Items
Soothing bouncy seats and covers
Stacking rings and stacking cups
Pop-up toys, toy phones, See & Says
Underwear, socks

Pre-school & School Age
Underwear, socks & clothing

Art kits
Sports balls
Wallets, purses & backpacks
Clothes, pajamas, slippers & underwear

Cards (UNO, Go Fish, etc.)
Chutes & Ladders
Millennium Ed. Monopoly

Game Boy Advance & Games
Nintendo Games
X-Box 360 Games & Controllers
X-Box 360 Memory Cards
Personal CD Players and headphones
Popular CDs for all ages
Kodak Easy Sahre Digital Cameras
Kodak Printer dock & paper refills
Playstation I & II games

Arts & Crafts
Play-Doh & Play-Doh tools

Some special notes:
*CHOA can only accept new items due to infection control policies.
*Video games must be rated "E"; games for more than one player are preferred
*60% of the patients at CHOA are under the age of 3 years

To schedule a delivery contact the Child Life Office at 512-324-8235

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Abby update - March 27

Well, tomorrow is another big day. Abby starts some classes at Wimberley Junior High.

We met with her education team there today and were again pleased at their persistence in working out a plan that seems best for Abby that somehow still meets all the legal requirements that seem to bind public schools these days. During the mornings Abby will be taking a math, English, and art class at Danforth and will receive assistance from their speech therapist and occupational therapist, but she will travel to her San Marcos to join friends at her old school for science, history, spelling, PE, and, very importantly, lunch!

I must tell you that tonight she seems very uncomfortable with the idea. I think the public school just seems very unfamiliar and very large and crowded compared to her small private school. On the other hand, I know that there are dozens of kids at Danforth who are so excited about her recovery and about having Abby be a part of their school. I know that they and the kind teachers we have met so far will watch out for her very well. And we do feel that Abby needs the type of instruction and therapy that can be provided at the public school. Please do keep her in your prayers tomorrow, however.

Finally, I just wanted to let you know that I've posted information on Abby's birthday party in the margin. Anyone is welcome to drop in and join us--this birthday is much reason for celebration!

Abby's family

Monday, March 26, 2007

Abby update - March 26

Well, we allowed our adrenaline to dip a little today and just tried to get a new work and school week started. One new thing Abby added to her schedule was a meeting with a new speech therapist. We liked Chelsa, who will be dropping by Hill Country Christian School a couple hours per week to do cognitive therapy with Abby, instantly and were so thankful that once again things are falling into place with her availability within Abby's very busy schedule!

Tomorrow we work out a few more details on that schedule as we meet with Abby's education team at Wimberley ISD. We've been very happy at the support they've offered us thus far and are trusting that tomorrow's meeting will weave everything together and just further strengthen the team of wonderful professionals who are helping Abby in her comeback.

Please keep Frank in your prayers as we attend all these meetings, do all this commuting, etc. He has been a great brother, a good sport, and a dedicated student during all these various perturbations of his life, but he's been feeling under the weather lately. We think it's just side effects of allergies, but he's not felt very well the last couple of evenings...

Thanks for caring and praying,
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby and Frank

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Abby update - March 24/25

Okay, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or OJ around our house) and put your feet up, 'cause we've got quite a story to tell from this weekend...Just when I thought I was running out of things to write!

You probably remember the heart-touching tale of how the Aggie softball coach got involved with Abby and her friend Grace, sending a signed Aggie practice shirt to Abby and a ball signed by Cat Osterman to Grace. Well, Coach Evans had also invited Abby to attend an Aggie softball game, so this weekend we headed to College Station to catch a game between A&M and Iowa State. We thought it would be a nice treat, with Abby's birthday coming up, but we had little idea how amazing it would be.

First, our kids were just excited about the chance to visit my good friend (and TAMU roommate) Ruth. They love Ruth and her dog Erin, and, to make things even "sweeter," this weekend Ruth's Kiwanis Club was hosting a pancake breakfast, and there's nothing that Frank loves better than a big stack of pancakes with syrup. So the first stop Saturday was pancakes for brunch. They were great!

Then we headed to the game with Ruth. The Aggie softball team is great this year! They're currently ranked number 3 in the country, and I think they're the greatest secret on campus. We had passes for three of us (thanks to Coach Evans), but the remaining tickets were a bargain. In return, everyone got great seats, a fun environment, and some very good fastpitch softball. Early on the Aggies were playing well, enroute to a comfortable win, when everyone in the stands started standing up and applauding...

Then President George H.W. Bush walked in (with his dog and some men in suits)! We learned that he's a huge Aggie softball fan, and, with the playing field next door to his Presidential library, he often drops in for a game or practice. Ruth spoke to him, and he said he'd be happy to talk to the kids between innings, so Abby and Frank got to shake President Bush's hand and get his autograph!

Afterwards we were hoping to say thank you in person to Coach Evans for all she's done for Abby, when we ran into a TPWD colleague of mine and his wife. Their daughter, Jami Lobpries, usually starts for the Aggie softball team, but has been sidelined for a few games with an injury. (In fact, Jami, who brings a lot of hitting power to the Aggies, is now an answer to an official Trivial Pursuit sports question. Last year she hit a grand-slam home run off Cat Osterman in a TAMU-UT game--the only grand slam that has been hit off the gold medal Olympic pitcher in her entire softball career!). I actually knew Jami as a little girl, when we'd play lots of silly games together, and she's still as spunky and outgoing now. She took Abby under wing and showed her the Aggie dugout and locker room and gave her lots of inspiration for years to come!

We also did manage to meet Coach Evans, and now we know the reason for the Aggies' success. She is a very neat lady, who obviously has a huge heart. She expressed such genuine joy at meeting Abby and told of a player of hers in the past who had also had to fight to recover from a brain injury. I can't tell you how much we were impressed with her caring attitude, and, when she and Jami told us we should come back for the game on Sunday, we agreed that we needed to!

In between, however, we got to spend time with some more people that have been caring for us and Abby. We enjoyed dinner on Saturday night with Ruth's parents, two very special friends, and on Sunday morning, we had a very special visit to Ruth's church. We again met former strangers who said they had been praying for Abby, had her picture in their home, felt like they knew her...and we heard a wonderful sermon about the audacity and trepidation it takes to ask God to answer prayer. We felt we had truly experienced the emotions and the grace that result from being so vulnerable and yet so bold...

And then back to the game. The Aggies stomped Iowa State again, and at the end of the game Jami had a very special gift for Abby. She gave her her batting helmet from last year signed by all the girls on the team. What a wonderfully inspiring day. Even if Abby never plays softball at a level approaching these girls, I intend to help her remember what it means to pour out your heart in compassion. We saw it in these girls and in their coach and in so many others that touched us this special weekend.

And, if that wasn't enough--on the trip there and home we were treated to a glorious display of spring wildflowers. And I was reminded of a note from a co-worker last fall who wrote Abby that, even while the soil was dark and cold, the wildflowers of spring were there, underground, waiting to emerge again...thank you Dana...

With so much thankfulness,
Abby's family

Abby update - more pix from Aggieland

Abby and Frank with Jami Lobpries. Abby is letting Frank wear her signed helmet from Jami.

Abby in the Aggies Softball locker room.

Abby and Jami in the Aggies' dugout.

Abby and Frank on the field after Sunday's win.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Abby update - March 23

Today was a wonderful day, full of special events and ordinary events that just make life special. I suppose I’ll just tell the story chronologically, because it’s too late to think of a more creative way to wind it together…

First, this morning Abby was able for the first time to attend a regular violin lesson. She had joined Paula’s students for some group practice, but this was her first time back in her old lesson slot. It was just such a good feeling to once again be sitting, listening, taking notes on things to practice…and Paula has such a good perception of Abby’s motor difficulties and how to let violin help therapy and therapy help violin…

After the lesson we followed an old tradition and had breakfast at the Wimberley doughnut shop before dropping by the village library. It was good again to be there and for Abby to see several of the staff with whom she worked last summer.

At home we did chores and baked cookies, but took time for a walk. Everywhere we looked it was spring—bluebonnets and verbenas blooming and monarchs and swallowtail butterflies flitting, but the best part was when Frank said, “Look at all those birds!” We looked up to see about 200 white pelicans swirling and soaring, trying to get up high and head north. And I was glad that I had the chance to share such magic with my two kids again…

But, the wonderful day wasn’t over. Several weeks ago we bought tickets to the Royal Lipizzan Stallion show for Abby as an early birthday present, so she and I picked up her friend Hannah and headed to downtown Austin. The horses were as amazing as I remembered when I was 12, and the girls really enjoyed themselves. (Abby has read and re-read Marguerite Henry’s book about the Lipizzans.)

Having realized that the show was just across the street from Children’s Hospital of Austin, we brought some of those cookies with us and called to see if we could slip in and see some of the night shift nurses. They were really happy to see Abby (and her cookies), and we were glad to be able to say thank you to some of the nurses (and one of the doctors, even) that saw us through some very long nights there.

Then, some ice cream at Marble Slab and home finally to blog, to bed, and to pack for an overnight trip to College Station tomorrow. We’ll take in an Aggie softball game (they are great this year!) and visit with my friend Ruth—we’ll post an update when we get home on Sunday night. Hopefully this long post will keep you satiated until then! :-)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Abby update - March 22

I was glad I got back to school this week!The best part was seeing my friends.I've also enjoyed being back in science class. Volleyball is fun too! I am looking forward to a fun weekend.



Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Abby update - March 21

Another day of school, music, animals, and sports--it's beginning to feel like "old times" around here. That's a praise!

Abby had another good day at school. We arrived early enough to join the Wednesday chapel service. It was a blessing for Abby to simply be back as a student, and, when she slipped into the pew a little late it was so touching to see her classmates shift around to make sure she had a place to sit next to them. Her schoolwork went well, and volleyball practice was better than before. We just have to keep hanging on to the promise that one of the nurses in ICU made, "I love this type of patient," (to which we, seeing Abby hooked up to tubes, IVs, respirators, etc., said "huh?")..."because every day they just keep getting better and better." Every day is better.

We got in some baseball and softball practice after school. Abby's throwing arm is great (I made her move farther away out of fear!). Then I was afraid again, as I caught for Frank to practice pitching (Abby's joints don't let her get down into a catcher's squat yet)--not because he is bad, but because he is throwing really hard this year. I think I'm going to have to buy some catcher's gear. It should be a good season for his Yankees again.

Well, I think that's all for today. It's actually good news when the news for the day is pretty mundane--good news that our family gets to just be a normal family again. Hope we don't bore you, but we'll keep on writing for now!!

-the Linams

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Abby update - March 20

Well, I don't know about the rest of us, but Abby seems to have settled into the school groove pretty well. She was up and ready before the rest of us again this morning.

She said her day went pretty well. In addition to her classes at Hill Country Christian, we also squeezed in piano practice, backyard agility practice, a swim, a work-out with weights, some computer cognitive therapy, and some math and grammar time with her Wimberley ISD teacher (and still had time to watch a re-run of The Andy Griffith Show tonight!) She also helped me fix supper--that girl has amazing energy! I wish my list of accomplishments for today was so long...

We did just want to give a "heads-up" for your calendar. On April 2 we will be celebrating a very special birthday. Abby turns 13, and we want to invite everyone to join us for a celebration. We're leaning toward a picnic in San Marcos at one of the local parks, probably from about 4-6 p.m. or so. More details later, but we thought that you'd like to know that very special date is coming up.

Until then, we'll just keep celebrating each day...
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby & Frank

Monday, March 19, 2007

Abby update - March 19

Today was the day--the answer to so many prayers--Abby was back at school, sitting at her desk in the junior high classroom of Hill Country Christian School!

I think the girl was a little bit excited about the day. Before daylight she was in our room--telling us she just couldn't sleep any more. I had planned a leisurely morning, with thoughts of arriving a few minutes before her first formal class--life science at 11 a.m.--but she must have asked me a half-dozen times how long before we would leave for school.

When we arrived at her class I spent a few minutes talking with her teacher. When I looked over at Abby she was surrounded by a group of friends, helping her unpack her things and welcoming her back. Though the mother in me could barely tear myself away, she was ready to get to work right after her teacher handed her her workbooks, so I slipped out (to hide in the teachers' lounge--just couldn't really leave!).

She had a good, though tiring, day. She seemed to do really well on her assignments and was very excited about her life science class. She was really glad to see her volleyball coaches, as they were to see her. Some things were still hard, however--especially in volleyball, and, during the difficult spiking drill, I could see the tears of frustration in her eyes. Abby has been so brave through everything, but I can't begin to imagine what it feels like for a young woman her age, who six months ago was rapidly developing strong skills in this sport, to find that her body now has such difficulty with the basics. These are things that a mother cannot fix for her, though I wish I could take it all upon myself instead. All I can say is that I'm glad to find her surrounded by a loving, supportive group of friends and mentors who cheered her every success.

And I'm glad that she's surrounded by a circle of prayer warriors. Thank you for holding her up...

Abby's mom

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Abby update - March 18

Well, tomorrow is the big day. Abby goes back to school. Her backpack is packed, her clothes are laid out, the special treats for her lunch are set aside...I feel like it is the first day of school, ever. In some ways it is. For one thing, God has granted Abby another opportunity at life. For that we are very grateful. In other ways, it will be a new experience for Abby--different than she has ever had before. Things that were once easy will be difficult. For that, we still seek your prayers.

This week will help us transition to her final schedule for the spring. This week Abby will go to Hill Country Christian School about five hours Monday through Thursday (including workouts with her volleyball team!), plus we'll have two visits from her home-bound teacher. Then, next week we'll meet with the education team at Wimberley ISD and see how selected classes and services will fit into her schedule, plus we'll be looking into how to weave some formal speech and cognitive therapy into her day. It sounds overwhelming, but, thankfully, no one is demanding that Abby take on a "full load" in any of these locations, so I think we can find a nice balance.

Finally, I've got to tell you that today had its own milestone...for the first time since her accident, Abby rode her bike! Maybe it's true you never forget, but not many people have to regain all their coordination and balance, and Abby did great! We rode for nearly an hour this afternoon (we chose some fairly flat areas down near the river--not Hoots Holler!), and Abby was even standing on the pedals to pump uphill (better than her out-of-shape Mom...). Abby has always really enjoyed going for bike rides, so today was really a blessing.

Thanks for cheering us on through all these milestones--blessings are better when you get to share them!
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby, & Frank

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Abby update - March 17

[A note from Abby:]

Happy St. Patrick's Day,

I took Arby to the nursing home today. He got lots of treats and pats! Frank and Amigo went also, and everyone loved Amigo!

We watched the Aggies win an exiting b-ball game. I also helped Dad plant our garden.



Friday, March 16, 2007

Abby update - March 16

I thought these photos were the nicest way to close out Abby's St. David's story. Once again, total strangers have given us the best of their professional capabilities and genuine concern, with full knowledge that the whole goal is to one day say "good-bye"...and to be able to smile when they ask, "Are you sad it's your last day?," and the patient (aka Abby) says, honestly, "No." (A part of me was definitely sad.) Thank you, St. David's staff, for being a part of the miracle that is Abby.

Abby and her primary OT, Bob, and PT, Jeanne.

Abby and another fun PT, Trish.

Abby and one of her speech therapists, Shelley

Abby and "Biofeedback Bob"

And now, on to the next phase--back to school and more of the "normal" things of life. Abby is very excited about it, and, though we haven't yet worked out all the details, we are certain that God has and will give us the strength we need to pursue them. A couple of weeks ago I was struck with a real irony: This whole experience has made us really re-assess our priorities and realize that we don't want to hurry through life, stressing ourselves and those around us. We want to slow down and take time to smell the roses, hear the birds sing, feel the warmth of spring...However, the irony is that recovery from head injury is hard work, and that we, and, especially Abby, must push ourselves to the point of discomfort in order to heal and grow. There's a fine balance there--one I'm sure we'll be seeking the rest of our lives...

Pray for us and that balance, and we'll pray for it for you, too...
Abby's family

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Abby update - March 15

I (Dad) must admit feeling a little sad today knowing it would be my last day at St. David's. After only a short while, therapists become like family. I will miss them and greatly appreciate their compassion and professionalism. We have become very acquainted with many of the day program patients and their families as well and pray that their healing will continue. They are in very good hands.

The highlight of today's therapy was a trip to a shopping center. Abby's PT gave her a list of stores, items to find in each store, and some specific detail to record for each of the items. So for example, Abby was to find a shirt she liked in Old Navy and record its price. We also visited PETCO (where Abby purchased some treats for Arby), Body, Bath, and Beyond, and H.E.B. After shopping, Abby hit the swimming pool. Part of the pool work included retrieving diving sticks off the bottom. Five sticks were thrown in and Abby retrieved them all in one breath. I (and the PT) were amazed at how long she could hold her breath.

Since tomorrow is Abby's last day, she, Lee Ann, and Abby's friend Hannah (who joined us at therapy today) made brownies tonight (they are great) to take with them tomorrow. They also hope to drop some by for the Star Flight crew (who were out the day we visited Brackenridge).

Have a great night and keep up the prayers as we enter the next phase of Abby's total and complete recovery.


The Linams

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Abby update - March 14

What a difference a Honda makes! Today was as smooth as silk--if only we had known the secret was in the CR-V...

Not really, but it was a nice day without any wild adventure stories. Abby didn't have to go into therapy until after lunch so we had a leisurely morning at home. She helped me with breakfast, then worked on some math and English homework (Mrs. Ruiz is making sure that she's ready for the school mode again!), and had Arby practice some agility before heading to therapy with Gordon.

From the stories Gordon told, the therapists are now having to get very creative in challenging Abby! Her speech therapist is doing some wrap-up assessments, as is OT, but PT sounded like some type of warped agility course. After a little warm-up with some yoga (including the famous "Down Dog" stretch), Abby walked a balance beam (like the dog walk she sends Arby over), darted in and out around cones (obviously weave poles), and then climbed through a series of chairs placed end-to-end (kind of like an A-frame?). As far as I know, however, no tunnels were involved, but she did get hitched up to a pulley like a sled dog!

Abby's OT is also working to make sure that she's gaining more skills in recognizing and negotiating her surroundings. Today he sent her on a shopping trip to the hospital gift shop, just tagging behind as a "shadow." "A VERY BIG shadow," Abby said. (Bob's 6'3"). Gordon also dropped off Abby at the front door to the hospital when they arrived (due to fog traffic making them late) and let her find her way to the waiting room on her own. With a little help from friends, it seems like she'll do okay in finding her way around school.

Abby's therapists are really making this a fun last week for her. Tomorrow she swims and goes shopping--sounds pretty good, right? We were saying today how much we will miss the people of the St. David's Day Program (though not the commute). Once again, our lives have been touched by very capable professionals with very huge hearts. It makes me want to make sure my life always gives back life as well...

Two more days,
Abby & family

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Abby update - March 13

What a day! It seems like I've been starting a lot of posts lately with words to that effect, and, true to form, they once again have a double meaning today...

Good news first. Abby had a great day at therapy. She played some awesome volleyball with her PT, and we had good conversations with all her therapists about her transition away from St. David's and back to school next week. Her therapists feel that, with support from us and the schools, she probably won't have to have any more PT or OT at this time. Abby will be glad to hear that, as she's ready to be a normal kid again! We probably will continue to add some extra speech therapy to her schedule, as we still have great hopes for more and more cognitive improvement.

Now for the bad news. On the way to therapy the station wagon broke down again, so Gordon had to come and rescue us and get us to therapy. We spent all day making calls about cars for sale (lots more stories about, "We just sold that car, but let me tell you about some others we have...). Finally, we thought we had found the car for us in Kyle just south of Austin. After therapy in the rain we hitched our wagon to the truck, but evidently not well enough, as Gordon and the Taurus came disconnected on the Interstate somewhere north of Kyle and had to coast to safety on the access road. Well, since I'd left them behind anyway, the kids and I went on to the dealership and came back to pick him up in a 2001 Honda CRV. We liked the vehicle a lot, but had to go through that traditional ordeal of haggling and visits to the secret manager behind the dark glass (and we thought we'd never get a chance to be on "Deal or No Deal"...!). Finally, sometime between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m. we and three wet, hungry kids (Frank's friend Jonathan had the good fortune to join us for this adventure) drove away with our first Honda ever. The only bad ending to the story is that the dealership didn't even want our Taurus station wagon, so Gordon somehow has to retrieve it from Kyle tomorrow!

So, I hope you'll forgive my saying it again..."What a day!" But, all's well that ends well, so we're ready for another one...

Good night!
-the Linams

Monday, March 12, 2007

Abby update - March 12

Abby put in another long day today. We traveled back to Warm Springs in San Antonio, where she endured four hours of assessment by the neuro-psychologist there. Actually, we knew the time for these standard tests (which assess where any learning difficulties may remain after 5-6 months) was coming up, and we really like Dr. Eubanks, but it was still a long afternoon for Abby. He'll be taking a look at the results, and then we will have the opportunity to meet with him to see what the results suggest. He emphasized that this is just a "point in time" assessment (the tests are usually repeated in a year), but we are hopeful that the results may help us, Abby, and her teachers as she returns to school.

Each time I've returned, I've been surprised at how much fondness I have for the setting at Warm Springs. Today I was struck by how everything is blooming there. As I looked around and saw the new green leaves and purple mountain laurel, pink redbud, and white pear blooms I remembered how brown and then bare everything seemed during our time there. And I was happy for the renewal of life and our own blossom...

Abby's Mom

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Abby update - March 11

Abby and Arby made one more run today at the agility trial in front of all their loving and supportive fans. Abby did a great job of handling Arby throughout the confusing tunnelers' course, and, although Arby took a few too many detours to make the qualifying time, Abby was happy with his efforts. I'm sure they'll be up to speed by this summers' trials.

But we're not worrying about that. Instead, we are all just feeling very thankful for the gift of today. I was speaking to one of Abby's friends at the trial who experienced the unexpected loss of her dog last fall (actually on the same day as Abby's accident). Though our two losses were different, we both agreed how much the experiences have made us try to be thankful for each moment we are given. Life is truly a gift.

Abby wrapped up her day by joining up with her friends in the teen group at church for their afternoon and evening activities. It's great to see her be a part of that group and to know that they care for her so much. Being back among friends at church (and soon at school) will be a big part of her continued healing.

And, now, I am going to be thankful for the availability of a warm, dry bed at this moment...
Good night!
Abby's family

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Abby update - March 10

Today was another one of those miracle days. After a week that tested our patience and stamina, today was a series of blessings, one after the other...

The first blessing was that, somehow, after a week of car troubles and a Friday that took me to College Station and back and Gordon to at least four different kid appointments, this morning at 8 a.m. we found ourselves at our appropriate locations on time--Gordon, Abby and Arby at the agility trial in San Marcos and me and Frank at the PSIA district academic meet in New Braunfels.

The second blessing was that, though I couldn't envision a break in my schedule at the PSIA meet, I was able to slip away in the morning, leaving Frank in the very comforting company of his friends from Hill Country Christian School, to go and check on Abby and Arby.

The third blessing was a biggie--seeing Abby and Arby compete in their first agility run since the accident. Arby was a little over-hyped about the event and strayed off in the middle of the Touch-N-Go course, but that didn't keep an entire arena full of people from clapping. My eyes are streaming as I write this--thinking back to those days when we didn't know if Abby would speak or walk or run again, remembering the encouragement and care that we received from Abby's agility friends, and then realizing that she and her dog were out there running again. We are so deeply thankful for this blessing and for those friends who are a part of it. (And the applause occurred again when Abby and Arby later put together a clean run in the Jumpers course.)

But the blessings weren't over. Back in New Braunfels Frank earned a first place ribbon in the Maps, Graphs, and Charts contest and a second place in Number Sense, qualifying him for the state meet in both of those events. Frank has many things to be proud of--those academic achievements are noteworthy, but he's also shown himself to be a young man of character and compassion this year. We are very proud of him.

And just being around our dear friends from Hill Country Christian School at the academic meet are giving us much cause to look forward to the next blessing: seeing Abby back in class there after Spring Break. These people have prayed with us through the darkest hours and share our true joy at Abby's restoration--we are very glad that she will be among these friends and mentors again soon.

I'll update you more about the school plans as they develop, but I think there are enough blessings for you to share already in tonight's message. (And, besides, I just now remembered about "springing forward" for Daylight Savings Time--so much for being a good steward with the way God planned out our day so well for us today...) Oh well, with all this excitement, I couldn't fall asleep easily anyway...

Thanks for sharing our joy,
-the Linams

Friday, March 09, 2007

Friday, March 9th

Dad here again since Lee Ann is still on her way back from College Station. I was blessed to be able to spend a Friday with Abby today as this is the day of the week that she participates in horse riding therapy. I had not seen her on a horse (except in some pictures Lee Ann took) since the accident. It was good to see her riding again. She seemed so natural on top of "Merlin". Abby has commented to me how well Merlin listens to her and today was no exception. I praise God that she is able to experience horses again. Following this we rushed over to the Hays County Civic Center with Arby (who spent the whole day with us - much to Amigo's chagrin who decided to try to track us with his keen hunting nose but fortunately was returned by some neighbors who indicated Amigo enjoyed coming inside their house and treating himself to catfood) to make a practice run through a trial agility course in preparation for tomorrows event. This too I am so thankful for, that Abby is able to participate in and enjoy agility meets again. She was fondly greeted by others from her club (K-9 Express) who are hosting the agility trial. Arby was quite worked up (after being in a kennel most of the day) but Abby seemed pleased with her practice run overall. Please keep her and Arby in your prayers for tomorrow.

Several points to mention concerning her St. David's therapy today. First, her PT (who played college volleyball at Boston College) had her setting, serving, and bumping a volleyball today. Abby did well. Her PT commented on her strength and then proceeded to take her across the street to Concordia University to run the bleachers in the baseball field. I participated in the volleyball, but I left running bleachers to Abby. Abby's OT re-introduced her to dumbells and gave her a workout schedule for when she graduates from St. David's next week. So, as you can see Abby once again had a very filled day. She is an incredible girl.

Last note - Frank competes in the District PSIA number sense and maps, graphs, and charts events tomorrow while Abby is running with Arby. Please lift him (and our cars) up in prayer as well.


The Linams

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Abby update - March 8

Sorry, but tonight we offer only an annotated blog--my alarm is going to ring far too early in the morning (I have to teach a workshop in College Station).'s the brief version:

*Abby had a good day of therapy. She has improved so much in her running, jumping, and swimming, and her speech therapist and I were talking about how far she's come in the cognitive area as well. She did have a little trouble with some 3-D puzzles today, but I think I would have too!

*The Taurus wagon is down again after one day on the road. It's radiator overflowed when I pulled into the driveway this afternoon (running late for Abby's appointment with Mrs. Ruiz), which led to the next unplanned crisis:

*I was washing down the driveway to make sure all the coolant was washed away when I looked up to see Arby licking his lips. I wasn't sure if he had drunk any of the coolant water from the car, but our veterinarian advised that we have a blood screen performed at the Austin Emergency Animal Clinic (ethylene glycol poisoning may not cause any immediate effects, but can ultimately cause fatal liver and kidney damage if not treated quickly.) So, we all headed back to Austin, where they made Arby throw up and made us wait until after 9 p.m. before we learned that his test was clear. Thank God.

I'm thinking of reading in the book of Job tonight...
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby & Frank (& one thankful, hungry dog Arby)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Abby update - March 7

Today was a long day, with so many various story lines that it's hard to know where to begin to write...

The beautiful morning started out tranquilly, with Abby and Frank doing a little homework side-by-side--aaah, this is what homeschool is supposed to be like...but then that hour was over and the rest of our hectic day began.

A little later we left to pick up Gordon and hopefully go buy that used car that sounds just perfect. But then we arrived at the dealership to find out that, sometime in the 20 minutes since we left Gordon's office, the car had been sold to someone else. Aaaaagh....We looked around the lot and stoppped at another lot, but only grew more weary of the used car/limited budget vicious cycle...

So, we sought encouragement and stopped by Hill Country Christian School to see Abby's friends and teachers and begin to make plans for her return there after Spring Break. It was great to see Abby get such big hugs from all her friends. But we had to leave Hill Country to keep an appointment with therapists and staff at Wimberley ISD. They, too, are eager to welcome Abby into school and try to design a schedule and some therapies that will help her be ready to move ahead. It's been really wonderful to have so much support and so many resources available to us--now the challenge is just to find the right balance of therapy and school, Wimberley and Hill Country, busy time and rest time, comfortable and challenging--and hopefully without driving Mom crazy and wearing out too many more cars...!

Speaking of cars, just as Abby was finishing with her homebound teacher, another of Gordon's co-workers arrived at the house with him to try to resurrect our station wagon from the dead. By the time they were finished, the old Taurus had come back to life (albeit without air conditioning and still with that funny ticking sound in the engine...). At least we now can keep commuting until we find that right replacement vehicle (and it's always better if you can actually "drive" the trade-in to the dealership.)

Then, just because the day had not been full enough, Abby and I took Arby over to our good friend and agility mentor's house to practice running through some agility courses. Arby was a little distracted with all the cats in the neighborhood, but I think, as long as there are no cats outside the agility arena, that he'll do fine this weekend. On the way home we stopped at the library to check out a couple of dog books that the Friends of the Village Library had donated to the library in Abby's name--what a perfect way to honor Abby, with books about dogs! We also stopped at the grocery store, where several people were so glad to see and talk with Abby.

Hmmmm--I started out this post thinking that there was no common thread to all these crazy events in our day, but just now the light went on in my head. All throughout the day we kept encountering people who love, care for, and have wanted to help Abby and us--her classmates, her old teachers and new teachers, Gordon's co-workers, library friends, agility friends, Wimberley friends--today was a good day because these people are in our lives, and I trust tomorrow will be as well because of people like them and like you...

-the Linams

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Abby update - March 6

How did it get to be midnight already???

Today was another long day, but this time by design. Tuesday is Abby's longest therapy day, and she worked really hard. She swam over a dozen laps in pool therapy, lifted weights in physical therapy, ran obstacle courses and jumped rope in occupational therapy, had biofeedback on her scapular muscles, and did a major alphabetization project in speech therapy. Then this evening she even practiced piano for me. She's going to be ready to go back to school and rest!!

But as for me, I need to go to bed and rest, so, thanks for praying, and good night!
-Lee Ann & the rest

Monday, March 05, 2007

Abby update - March 5

It must have been a Monday...

Is it just my imagination, or are Mondays after a nice weekend always that much harder?

Actually, things were fine therapy-wise. Abby practiced volleyball with her PT and went on a scavenger hunt throughout the hospital with her OT. We also managed to fit a nice picnic on the campus of Concordia University and a visit to the agility field in among the other therapies of the day.

It was just the 5-hour trip home from Austin that wrecked an otherwise productive Monday. I don't think I mentioned that our Ford Taurus station wagon finally died last week, so we've been juggling commuting for the last week with one vehicle. Well, today the 1996 GMC truck decided to call in sick as well. Gordon and one of his good friends and co-workers had to rescue me and the kids from Buda (at least we broke down in front of Wal-mart!). He hopes he can get the truck fixed tomorrow while other friends lend us a vehicle to get to Austin. Anyone got a sweet deal on a used family and dog-friendly car...and maybe an extended-cab pick-up truck...?

I didn't think today was too much fun, and I still don't like the inconvenience of car trouble (or laying out thousands of dollars for a replacement car), but I'm thankful for God's grace that carries us through days like this, as well as through harder ones. It seems we've been praying for a lot of friends and acquaintances who face serious disease or the loss of loved ones lately (and of course, we still pray earnestly for Abby's complete healing). How I'd love to know their burdens are gone--and to think once again that a broken thermostat (or cracked heater coil or whatever it is...) is a big deal--but all we can do is ask for healing and then for the grace to carry us through.

May you feel that grace today--
Abby's family

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Abby update - March 2-4

Well, we're home from a great weekend--almost ready to face another week of work, school, and therapy, respectively. Actually, it was really good to get away for our first "fun" weekend since Abby's accident, and I have been thankful over and over to have had this opportunity with our whole family...

First, back to Friday--Abby had a wonderfully fun day at therapy with her two friends, Taylor and Hannah. Friends make therapy so much more fun, and Taylor and Hannah joined Abby in some hopscotch, dart-throwing, foot-races, and memory games (Taylor and Hannah thought some of the therapists' challenges were pretty tough too!). Thanks, girls, for giving Abby a great day!

Later that evening we headed southeast to Lake Jackson. Gordon attended a meeting of the Texas Chapter of The American Fisheries Society, and, though the kids and I left the work mostly to him, Abby was able to meet some of the many folks in that group who have expressed their prayers and concern for her. The kids got the chance to visit Sea Center Texas, play on the beach (the water and wind were still pretty cold), swim in the heated pool (much better option than the Gulf), and play Putt-Putt golf. In between, Frank watched as much National Geographic channel and ESPN as possible.

Then, today we took the long way home (the very long way, if you ask Frank) and visited many of the Stephen F. Austin sites that Abby is studying in Texas history. It was a very good weekend, with a beautiful moon-rise as we pulled into the drive at home.

But, the sun will come up tomorrow, so we'd better get to bed tonight...
-all the Linams

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Abby update - March 1

Today was one of those mixed more ways than one. It was beautifully sunny in Central Texas, but sometimes that cold wind made things uncomfortable. Abby did great in therapy in the pool and in playing some kickball and soccer (who said therapy is boring?), but she'd probably say that today's schoolwork and spatial tasks in OT were kind of uncomfortable. Still, we know how far she's come, so we can work through this discomfort too...

As far as some good news about discomfort--Abby has not been bothered by the "foreign object" (the detached piece of her gastric tube) in her abdomen over the past two weeks. When I spoke to her surgeon yesterday he suggested that we not interrupt therapy at St. David's or our hopes for her to return to school later this month, but instead wait until summer to try removal. I was overjoyed to hear that suggestion (and Abby was happy too). He's also hopeful that it can be removed laparoscopically.

The other encouraging news is that yesterday we mailed her entry form for her club's agility trial on March 10 and 11. Though we knew that Abby would want to attend the trial and perhaps help with it, I had not dared hope that she would be ready to enter Arby in it. After our practice last week, however, she says she's ready to try. I can't wait. We'll be sure to let you know how it goes, or you can stop by the San Marcos Civic Center yourself and watch some agility (we probably won't know when her runs are).

We want to close with a fond thank-you to one of Abby's therapists at St. David's. Jeremy is a PT student at Texas State who was doing a rotation there. Today was his last day, and we're going to miss him. Even as a student, I'd say he's one of the best therapists we've run into, and I really appreciated his rapport with Abby and all the other clients. We have gained immeasurable respect for all the therapy professions over these last five months.

Finally, just a warning: You'll be missing your "Abby fix" for a couple of days. We're all headed to Lake Jackson as a family tomorrow. Gordon will be attending a meeting, but the kids and I will be sleeping late, swimming in the heated pool, watching cable TV, slipping down to the beach, and, maybe, doing our therapy exercises every once in awhile...we'll catch up with you when we get back!

Until then,
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby & Frank