Monday, March 05, 2007

Abby update - March 5

It must have been a Monday...

Is it just my imagination, or are Mondays after a nice weekend always that much harder?

Actually, things were fine therapy-wise. Abby practiced volleyball with her PT and went on a scavenger hunt throughout the hospital with her OT. We also managed to fit a nice picnic on the campus of Concordia University and a visit to the agility field in among the other therapies of the day.

It was just the 5-hour trip home from Austin that wrecked an otherwise productive Monday. I don't think I mentioned that our Ford Taurus station wagon finally died last week, so we've been juggling commuting for the last week with one vehicle. Well, today the 1996 GMC truck decided to call in sick as well. Gordon and one of his good friends and co-workers had to rescue me and the kids from Buda (at least we broke down in front of Wal-mart!). He hopes he can get the truck fixed tomorrow while other friends lend us a vehicle to get to Austin. Anyone got a sweet deal on a used family and dog-friendly car...and maybe an extended-cab pick-up truck...?

I didn't think today was too much fun, and I still don't like the inconvenience of car trouble (or laying out thousands of dollars for a replacement car), but I'm thankful for God's grace that carries us through days like this, as well as through harder ones. It seems we've been praying for a lot of friends and acquaintances who face serious disease or the loss of loved ones lately (and of course, we still pray earnestly for Abby's complete healing). How I'd love to know their burdens are gone--and to think once again that a broken thermostat (or cracked heater coil or whatever it is...) is a big deal--but all we can do is ask for healing and then for the grace to carry us through.

May you feel that grace today--
Abby's family


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