Abby update - March 16
I thought these photos were the nicest way to close out Abby's St. David's story. Once again, total strangers have given us the best of their professional capabilities and genuine concern, with full knowledge that the whole goal is to one day say "good-bye"...and to be able to smile when they ask, "Are you sad it's your last day?," and the patient (aka Abby) says, honestly, "No." (A part of me was definitely sad.) Thank you, St. David's staff, for being a part of the miracle that is Abby.
Abby and her primary OT, Bob, and PT, Jeanne.
Abby and another fun PT, Trish.
Abby and one of her speech therapists, Shelley
Abby and "Biofeedback Bob"
And now, on to the next phase--back to school and more of the "normal" things of life. Abby is very excited about it, and, though we haven't yet worked out all the details, we are certain that God has and will give us the strength we need to pursue them. A couple of weeks ago I was struck with a real irony: This whole experience has made us really re-assess our priorities and realize that we don't want to hurry through life, stressing ourselves and those around us. We want to slow down and take time to smell the roses, hear the birds sing, feel the warmth of spring...However, the irony is that recovery from head injury is hard work, and that we, and, especially Abby, must push ourselves to the point of discomfort in order to heal and grow. There's a fine balance there--one I'm sure we'll be seeking the rest of our lives...
Pray for us and that balance, and we'll pray for it for you, too...
Abby's family
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way to igo\ abby and congrats, if you find this hard to read it is because k ayla is helpping.
I am so proud of all of y'all, and am always thinking of you. Just keep going! Love you!
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