Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Abby update - October 31

No Halloween candy for Abby today, but she did have eggs, oatmeal, chicken and potato soup, peaches, apple nectar, mashed potatoes and meat, green beans, applesauce, and cranberry nectar, and that was just for breakfast! (just kidding--about the just for breakfast part...). For each of her meals today she was given some pureed food. She seemed to really enjoy it--well, except for the oatmeal and the green beans, but even that was neat, because it means that she is discriminating against different foods, apparently based on what we tell her it is.

She did a lot more practice standing in therapy, after we got the go-ahead to bear weight on her fractured ankle. She was also fitted with new dynamic splints for one arm and one leg to assist with relaxing some of her muscle-clenching. When she's got everything on she looks like the Bionic Woman! I'm ready for her to knock down some walls, in more ways than one. We're still waiting for that break-through in her ability to respond purposefully to our requests...

We're also still waiting for that CT-scan to get scheduled to answer some of the other questions the doctors have. Our nurse spent most of the day relaying messages between the pediatrician and the radiologist, with the final result being that the scan has not yet been scheduled...oh well, that gave Abby time for a bath this afternoon!

Frank's spending the night with his cousins in Boerne, where real neighborhoods offer the opportunity to really load up on candy. I think he deserves it--he'll be wearing the "Cat in the Hat" costume that he made for the 4-H dog show, but he'll be without Amigo, the canine Thing One. As for me and Gordon, we'll just sit in Abby's room and eat all the candy you've all sent us...

Thanks for watching out for all our needs...

-the Linam family


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