Sunday, October 22, 2006

Abby update - October 21

Well, today it's been a long day for me and Gordon, but Abby's doing pretty well.  We're getting to be real pros at being nursing/therapy/doctors' assistants.  Today one or both of us fed her, changed her clothes, placed her in her therapy chair, washed her face and hair, did her physical therapy, and changed her bedding.  And that was all before noon!  Maybe we can get a discount for helping out!
In the afternoon we went to San Marcos to watch Frank's flag football game.  His team tied to end the season, and Frank had some great defensive plays.  I think that three different friends/families are on his social agenda for the weekend.  After the game Gordon and I stopped by home in Wimberley to meet with Mike Oldmixon about the house repairs (if you didn't hear about the flooded living room, then just pretend I didn't mention that fact).  We really appreciate all that Mike and others are helping to do to get our home back in shape.  We also picked up the dogs and brought them to stay with some agility friends in Austin.  We're hoping that Abby can get some time with her dogs this week.
Abby's day wasn't as exciting (at least I don't think it was--maybe she would tell us something different!).  She had some good responses to several different people today--just tiny, slow responses, but definitely something.  She does continue to run a fever, especially at night that is often associated with high pulse and respiration rates.  She's also tending to have high blood pressure readings, so she's getting medication for that.  I think these symptoms can often be associated with brain injury, but please keep these particular issues in your prayers.
Tomorrow (Sunday) Gordon and I are driving to Dallas to visit the Baylor children's rehab center there.  Please pray that we're not too tired and that Abby has a good day in our absence (some good friends and family members are going to spend the day with her.)  It's hard to be away from her...
With love,
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby & Frank

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