Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Abby update - October 18

We are learning to measure progress in literally the blink of an eye...
Abby had another good, stable day today.  The therapists once again sat her upright in a special chair for about two hours.  At least this time she had her eyes open for about half the time (as compared to yesterday when she slept through the entire experience...).  All together it seemed as if she was tired today and there was quite a lot of the reflexive contractions in her arms and legs.  Our baby step forward, however, was a moment when she did cast her eyes in my direction after I spoke to her.  Those almost imperceptible reactions are the glimmer of hope for which we optimistically watch constantly (and fear that we'll even fail to recognize them when they come!).
On the whole, however, the doctors and nurses seem to feel that we are on the path that we must tread.  I had a moment of encouragement today when a retired neurosurgeon who saw Abby last week told me that it is a painstakingly slow process, but that, unlike 30 years ago, when everyone believed that brain cells could not be replaced, we now know that in the adolescent years, the brain is actually ungoing some of its most rapid growth (and thus repair).  (Perhaps that awkward growth period explains some of the ways that healthy adolescents behave!!)
Perhaps our biggest update is that the staff here anticipate that we will move from this hospital to a rehabilitation facility on Monday of next week!  There are excellent pediatric rehabilitation facilities in Dallas (Baylor Children's Home) and San Antonio (Warm Springs).  We're probably leaning toward San Antonio, unless the rehabilitation doctor recommendations Dallas for any particular program available there.
It's actually bittersweet to think of leaving all these doctors and nurses who have shown such care for Abby, but it means that medically Abby is stable and it's time for the therapists to have their chance to work their miracles.  We're just looking forward to the day when we all can come back and let Abby pay them a visit herself.  Those plans include the nurses on the Star Flight helicopter.  They invited Frank to come by and take a look at the helicopter today.  He even got to sit in the cockpit!  I really appreciate the care here for our whole family...
And, we appreciate all of you...people say we're brave, but all I can testify to is a peace that arrives each day as I need it, thanks to the prayers going up around the world...
all us Linams

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