Monday, October 16, 2006

Abby update - October 16

Well, I've just snuck out of Abby's room for a moment to send this email, but I'm going to try to hurry back, as the kid's been keeping her eyes open most of the evening!
Today's surgeries went very well.  It's so good to see Abby's face without any probes, tubes, or tape.  They are trying to keep her quiet this evening and are doing so for the most part (except for those eyes!).  It's so good to see them, and, although we know that her brain still has a lot of healing to do to be ready to handle all its stimulations, she seems very responsive to familiar voices.  We had a very encouraging conversation with the rehabilitation doctor last night.  She shared many stories of success, helped us count our blessings, and demonstrated a strong spiritual, as well as professional, demeanor.
We're looking forward to a busy day for Abby tomorrow, with lots of visits from therapists, so she and I had best try to get some rest now...
Love to you all,
Lee Ann & family

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