Monday, November 13, 2006

Abby update - November 13

I've been thinking I need to insert a FAQ section in each day's blog post, and was thinking, that since today is a Monday, maybe you'd like to know what a day in the life of a rehab patient is like; however, I'd really can't wait to post our good news for today, so let's start there!

There were so many wonderful little steps forward today for Abby. Now that she's kissing (every Dad's nightmare for a 12-year-old!), it seems she's able to do lots of things with her lips. Today she drank from a cup very well and was really efficient in removing food from a spoon. To go along with that, we've been helping her hold a spoon and cup in her hands and move them toward her mouth, and at the evening's meal she was accomplishing a fair amount of the movement on her own. The OT was also pleased at her use of her hands to grasp things during therapy. And finally, the nurse's aid, who really dotes on Abby, said that she said "um-hmmm" to her today! I can't believe we missed her first "word," but the speech therapist is convinced that she's going to give us more of them this week!

So, back to the Frequently Asked Questions. I thought you might be interested in Abby's (and thus our) daily schedule:

7:00 - Respiratory medications
7:30 - Wake up; get dressed
8:15 - Breakfast/speech therapy session
9:00 - More medications; tracheaostomy care; brush teeth and hair; wash face
10:00 - Occupational and Physical Therapy
11:30 - Lunch/speech therapy session
12:30 - Free time - brush teeth; freshen up; read a book; take a rest
1:45 - Occupational and Physical Therapy
4:00 - More medications and then outside time or bath time
5:30 - Supper
6:15 - Free time - reading; TV; visitors
8:00 - Snack; trach care; teeth brushing; freshen up; wash face; get ready for bed; read/music
9:30 - Put on splint; lights out
11:00 - Respiratory medications
All night - visits from nurses, who sometimes don't realize that everyone doesn't "work" nights...

So, there you have it--a day in the life of Abby Linam. As you can see, it's no wonder that some days she's just to tired to move that arm the therapist wants to move, but on other days her strength and stamina amaze us...anyway, I know she'd appreciate extra prayers during those 10:00 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. time slots...

Love to you all,
Abby & family


At 11:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the updates. There are so many times when your posts bring me tears -- tears of sadness because I think of the Abby I've always known, but tears of gladness as well, when I share the joy with you of each tiny step of progress that Abby makes. I think of the Suzuki Method and its focus of tiny steps at whatever pace the student needs, and I'm thankful that we have all been practicing this baby step thing these past 5 years or so. Although you have such long, busy days, they sound so rich in experience and possibility. I so appreciate your updates every day! I know it is an added "thing to do" but please know how much it brings to the rest of us who cannot get to SA to visit you.

We love you all!


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