Saturday, November 11, 2006

Abby update - November 11

I think that Abby would say that today was just what a Saturday should be. She woke up this morning, had some eggs and cereal for breakfast, and then did some light exercise (with the therapists). After lunch when it warmed up, she went outside and played with her dogs. Abby's favorite play activity with the dogs is for us to hide a treat or a ball in her hands and then let Arby jump up and find it, with lots of nuzzling and licking--it really makes Abby smile! (No one at Warm Springs seems to mind that we tether our dogs outside under a tree for the weekend and let them camp out in our station wagon at night).

The day included lots of visits from friends, and several friends played "spa" with her--treating her to a new hairstyle and a very thorough (and apparently wonderfully relaxing, based on the resulting nap) manicure, complete with lime green toe-nail polish! After dinner there was some TV (Disney channel on cable--a real treat!), a few phone calls, getting to hear several chapters out of a good book (we're currently reading Katherine Paterson's Lyddie), and evening prayers. Oh yes, and what's a Saturday without a bath?

All-in-all, I think she'd say the only bad part was seeing the Aggies lose another one in the final minutes of the game, but then, we've all learned to view football in a slightly different perspective these is too precious to be worried about the Aggie football team (especially the Aggie football team)...!

Counting our blessings, and praying for more,
-Abby & the Linams


At 2:13 AM , Blogger Jessie said...

My thoughts are always with you, even though we are so many miles apart. I cannot wait to get back and see how much progress this beautiful girl has made. Reading your updates to each other is a Phillipine highlight we will always treasure. We love you.


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