Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Abby update - June 20

Abby's not home right now (she and Taylor are spending the night at the Vests' tonight), but I bet I know what she's doing right now. Wonder how many times it takes to memorize She's the Man in its adolescent entirety...? Oh well, after so many months of work, the girl deserves a week of fun!

Abby did take time to do her civic duty today, as she worked her shift as a Junior Volunteer at the Wimberley Village Library. And I got a big hug from Susanne Beard, the head librarian there. Susanne has loved our kids for a long time (I tell everyone that she even loved Frank as a wild 18-month-old running around her Story Time sessions, when most librarians would have been tactfully suggesting that perhaps we come back "next year..."). The library staff and volunteers are truly another of the "families" that emerged when we needed their support, prayers, and love over the last year, and it has been joyous to celebrate Abby's return to one of her favorite spots with them. We continue to pray that reading will once again be one of her primary loves...

And, yes, Frank is still quite happily holding up to his ambitious athletic schedule. Tomorrow's an easy day. They get the day off baseball practice, so it's just 7 hours of basketball on his agenda!

Hugs to all of you,
-the Linams


At 8:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank, you are truly following the adage, Practice makes perfect. In grandma's eyes you are about perfect as you are!!!!~ What time on the 28th?? Did you miss teasing the girls?


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