Saturday, June 16, 2007

Abby & Linam update - June 11-16

Gordon's birthday dinner at Fazoli's
What a lot can happen in a week! Gordon turned 4_, The Spurs won their fourth NBA Championship, and we survived (and even mainly enjoyed) all the activities of our week. Abby and Frank had a great time at 4-H Arts and Crafts Camp (we really have some wonderful people to work with our kids in this county!), and Frank enjoyed his week of Vacation Bible School. He and we were very nostalgic to think of it being his last year as a student in VBS--where do the years go? To further add to the nostalgia, on some evenings when Gordon and I couldn't attend, Frank rode to VBS with Amber. It just doesn't seem like very long ago that Amber and her brother, Steven, were riding to VBS with me and Gordon, singing all the songs all the way there and back, stopping for snacks at the Tetco convenience store EVERY night, hoping on Sunday morning that they might be the big Schlitterbahn ticket Amber's working in the nursery and giving our kids rides to VBS (as for Steven, I don't know where he was last week!!). Since the time passage is inevitable, I guess all we can hope is that, as our kids grow up, they keep making that trip back to VBS to touch other kids lives...Abby was doing that too this week, as she and some of her friends helped out with the Bible stories on some nights (in between her agility practices, dog show practices, riding therapy, speech therapy, violin lessons...)
Trey crowns Abby with the VBS "cornucopia"
Now, on to the next round of memories--Frank started practicing with his All-Stars baseball team yesterday. He'll have "two-a-days" next week, in addition to basketball camp all day. Sounds tiring to me, but 11 hours of sports per day sounds like a dream to him. Abby has invited Taylor over to spend the week, so I think I'll turn the blog-writing over to the girls next week. Stay tuned--Taylor and Abby have a way of spinning a tale!!

Hope you all had and have a good week as well!
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby, and Frank


At 12:15 PM , Blogger Ambie said...

Well I know I had fun at VBS even though I was one of the workers. My prek/kinders were so cute. Time has a way going fast. It is hard to believe that my brother and I were the ones going to VBS and now this is Frank's last year.

At 4:24 PM , Blogger JG said...

Frank,it is good to see you supporting the Maroon and White even if it isn't Texas A&M at the College World Series!
Abby, don't forget volleyball camp over here the 3rd week of July. LA, that would be a good time to transfer the furniture- what a wonderful idea, don't you think so??!!

At 10:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about furniture.. that reminds me the sewing machine is delegged now. Sorry about all the effort you and B.A. put out to finally enclose it in my Focus, jg. Its much easier to load and unload now. A good night to all.

At 8:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say a LINAM FAMILY reality show! To heck with Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie! :)

At 8:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your mom. You guys do so much that my head spins sometimes. If I would have had such a demanding schedule with my six I'd probably be babbling in some insanity ward today. Glad you are all enjoying it though cause before you know it, the kids will be all grown up and gone. V. Torres


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