Abby update - June 9
Gordon, his dad, and I all celebrated getting older today. It's inevitable (Wayne's birthday is today, while Gordon's is on Monday), so we figured, why not eat cake and homemade ice cream??? It was good to be together.
Afterwards, the Wimberley Linams all headed down to our favorite swimming hole on the Blanco River. Swimming at that spot again was one of those dreams I clung to during those long days in the hospital, so being back there together, snorkeling for fish, throwing rocks for Arby, enjoying the generosity of our river friends, the Buses, was an answered prayer (and a very enjoyable one, I might add!). Then, this evening, we watched a horse movie, Ruffian, on TV. I remember being Abby's age and being heartbroken by the tragedy of this great filly who had to be put down. I'm sure her horse-obsession fires were stoked again, but sharing those emotions together were priceless...
So, I'll just leave you with an image of our very special swimming spot. The photo was taken back in November when Abby was still in Warm Springs during one of my rare trips home. The river was clothed in autumn then, but today it was very alive with new life. Just like us...
Say Abby, that scene on the Blanco would make a great painting. That nearer tree to the left foreground balances the scene out just right.
Oh, heck, still no update
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