Friday, November 17, 2006

Abby update - November 17

Most of today's update for Abby relates to non-therapy issues. The missing pulmonologist finally came by and again down-sized Abby's trach tube. She's still hoping we can see the ENT next week and perhaps even remove the trach tube. At the same time, the respiratory folks are still sleuthing around to see if an infection is causing Abby's cough. A chest x-ray showed no build-up of fluid and a CBC showed normal white blood cell counts, but they'll probably still go ahead and culture a sample from her tracheal fluids. We got in an additional good test result. A CT-scan done on Thursday showed that the fractures of her occipital condyle and, more importantly, the fractures of the skull near her sinuses have healed completely. Hallelujah!

Abby did have a good day in therapy--doing lots of standing and lots of holding things with her hands. Although there didn't seem to be as many attempts at verbal communication, sometimes I think we know just what she's thinking. Today she seemed very aware of the requests that the therapists were making of her and seemed very pleased when she could comply (such as kicking over "Wet Floor" signs in the hall--one of the "fun" games her PT initiates!) and very frustrated when she could not comply (such as the trouble she was having releasing objects from her hands). The frustration even brings her to tears sometimes--something that's hard to see but also indicates to me that she's very aware of what she's trying to do and just angry that her body won't yet comply. I think that means she's on the right track and it's only a matter of time before her determination wins out.

Gordon and I have been enjoying some together time. Frank's in Harlingen with some friends, so both Gordon and I have been staying in Abby's room each night. It's good to be spending so much time together with our girl--how many parents of a pre-teen actually get to say that? I'd better get back up there and make sure the two of them aren't having too much fun without me...

Thanks for your prayers,
Lee Ann & my brood


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