Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Abby update - December 12

Today was both a good day and a hard day for Abby. Good, because she got her stomach tube taken out! Bad, because literally pulling that tube out through your stomach and abdominal wall hurts. She was in a fair amount of discomfort after the procedure and a little bit teary-eyed and emotional the rest of the day. I also just got the sense that maybe Abby's feeling a little tired of everything. Tired of so many things hurting, tired of everything she tries being difficult, tired of finding words confusing, tired of being away from home. She's got a great attitude most days, but I can understand that some days she must feel discouraged, just as we do some days. When you add to that the fact that she can't really find the words to explain it to us (and, then, of course she's 12, so explaining things to your parents becomes complicated in your mind at that age anyway!), and you'll understand why we'd like you to just say a little prayer for her encouragement tonight.

She did do well, medically, once the tube was pulled, so that's a praise. She ate a light lunch and a good dinner and has been a good sport about having to take all her pills and other medicines by mouth now. And we did have another encouraging encounter during the last couple of days. Our doctor brought a very vivacious 21-year-old up to introduce herself to us. Leticia was a patient here five years ago following an automobile accident. She was in a coma for many weeks and had numerous broken bones in addition to a severe head injury. She said, "Look at me now! Don't give up! Miracles can happen! I'm even wearing high heels!" She was very sweet and very full of life and wit and very, very encouraging. (She also works here now.) I'm looking forward to the time when Abby will be able to share those words of encouragement with others (although I can't picture her in the high heels...). She already makes Priscilla's mom happy when she sees her.

So, God is using each step of this process, even these harder days, I suppose...I'm just eager to move on to being able to tell the whole recovery story...but maybe there's more work to be done along the way...

Thanks for all your encouragement...
Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby, & Frank


At 6:20 AM , Blogger Greg and Linda and family said...

Abby is a very strong girl. I can't imagine enduring all she has endured. My heart breaks for her as she deals with the physical and emotional pain. I think so many of us would love to take some of that pain for her but we can't so all we can do is pray for her. We just lift her up to the Lord and ask him to comfort her and give her more strenth. At the same time we cry out thanks to God that Abby is still with us and still the beautiful tender hearted young woman we have grown to love so much. Hang in there Abby!

At 6:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry Abby ~ everything will get better really soon. Just think ~ You'll be home in one week. YEAH!! If it's ok, I'll be there to see you every day. I had fun this weekend seeing you. I love you ~ Taylor S.

Abby ~ Hang in there sweetie! I'm so sorry you had a rough day yesterday. I wish you didn't have to go through all this, but I KNOW you can do it...look at all you've done so far. At least that part is over and it was one more step for you to be home. You are such a tough little cookie and truly a beautiful inspiration to all who know and love you. We can't wait until you are home. We love you~

At 6:56 AM , Blogger Greg Johnson said...

Well, my wife said it well enough. I'll just add we love you and pray for you continually, Abby and the linam's. Can't wait to see you at home in the Holler.

At 11:52 AM , Blogger Grace said...

Lee Ann, we continue to pray for Abby. Her picture album will be finished today and I hope to be able to give it to her over the holidays. We got so busy it got put on hold. We also have been waiting for over 4 weeks for every student to be here to take a class picture. Finally, yesterday we got it!! We love you guys. You are always on our minds and in our hearts.
Claudia Doncov


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