Monday, December 04, 2006

Abby update - December 4

As I glanced back over Abby's recovery chronology, I realized that I had forgotten to mention one achievement: As of about five days ago, Abby's also writing. Most of it's the basics, such as her name, but it's been interesting to note that sometimes it's easier for her to write the answers to math problems than to say the number. The answer's still there for her, and but sometimes, when the verbalization wires get crossed, it's easier for her hands to find it.

We keep being amazed at how complex (and complicated) recovery from brain injury is. Sometimes I find that I need to remind myself to treat Abby like the intelligent 12-year-old she is, especially when her verbal responses are usually one word (and sometimes a nonsensical word), but then sometimes she demonstrates her awareness in heart-warming or heart-breaking ways. This evening Gordon asked her what she and I were talking about and she said (with a smile) "my body parts don't listen to my brain." But this afternoon, when the PT asked her what was wrong, she answered, with tears in her eyes, "All things." My heart just breaks for her, when she knows what she wants to do and just can't do or say it. And we keep having to say to her what doctors have said to us for 9 weeks: "It takes a long time..."

Thank you for praying with us for so long...As Jesus asked, please watch and pray with us a little longer...

Lee Ann, Gordon, Abby, & Frank

WHO IS ABBY? - page 7
Abby's creative. Her friends will tell you that she's always drawing horses everywhere, and her Grandma Johnson has helped her do several good oil paintings. She enjoys arts and crafts of many types and has even made her reluctant Mom dust off the sewing machine for her on a few occasions--sometimes for girl clothes and sometimes for dog clothes! She's creative in the kitchen as well, especially when it comes to combining new ingredients for cookies--usually sucessfully... Finally, she's not afraid to create with a hammer and nails--she and her friend Taylor even built that tree house where she and Arby read!


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