Monday, December 11, 2006

Abby update - December 11

I think it's time to go home--because I'm not sure I'm cut out for this college-lifestyle any more! Gordon and I have noticed that Abby's room at Warm Springs is a lot like a college dorm room, but trying to organize the stuff from a family of four in a dorm room is getting a little stressful! And now I find myself in a university library trying to finish my "work" before it closes down at midnight. I'm too old for this!

So, I'd better get on to the news for today. Abby had a good day today. I'd say her primary achievement was taking a long walk outside during PT, that even included some "off-road" excursions. I told the PT that she was really getting her ready for life on Hoots Holler! She did really well.

We also want to offer praises for some friends that are stepping in to help us with the transition to home. We've been feeling a little bit like we're not ready, but, after a long talk with the rehab doctor this morning (she's a little bit like trying to get Arby to settle down for a calm talk!), and some long phone calls with some friends with experience in rehab and special ed, we're hopeful that we've got some leads for getting the help that we'll need. Right now it looks like we'll try to get our therapy through a pediatric home health service and then add home-bound school assistance after the first of the year. Eventually we'll probably go to out-patient therapy, but, for now, this will be a nice transition.

They're turning out the lights in the library now, but I want to mention one more praise. A few days ago Abby received a jersey that was signed by the members of the Texas A&M women's softball team. That should give her some incentive to get back on the field!!

Gotta go and get a bit of sleep--at least I don't have finals this week!!

Lee Ann & the rest of the sleeping Linams...


At 7:13 AM , Blogger Greg Johnson said...

Awesome, Amen Girl.


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