Thursday, December 07, 2006

Abby update - December 7

I'm afraid Abby's schedule is becoming a lot like the Christmas Frenzy that consumes us all this time of year. After a long day of therapy, which included some games of fetch with a wonderfully smart Australian shepherd therapy dog named Emily, some wonderful stretching of her neck and shoulders (which still worry me because they are so tight), and some not so wonderful taste tests to help Abby better choose between pleasant and unpleasant stimuli, and visits from some good friends, she then headed downstairs to a Christmas party for all the Warm Springs inpatient and outpatient kids.

It was a very fun event, the highlight of which was a visit by the Spurs Coyote. He spotted Abby and immediately got down beside her and gave her a really big hug (he also gave Jessie a big kiss, just in case she doesn't tell that story to all of you...!). Abby also got her picture taken with Santa, worked on some craft projects, and, like the rest of us this time of year, added some sugar to her diet. It's nice to be able to participate in something so "normal" as a Christmas party, but it was also nice to be among a group of people where we had a common bond of having seen our children through some difficult changes. It was okay for our daughter to be "different" at this point in time, because they had all been through it too. That's a feeling that may take some work when we're back in the "real world."

Please pray for that transition for us--that our house will be ready, that we will feel confident about knowing how to meet Abby's needs, that Frank and Abby will adjust well to being back at home in a new situation, and, especially, that we will find the right combination and source of therapy as Abby continues on in her recovery. And just keep praying that Abby will be so much better by the time we do leave in two weeks!

Wishing you all the real Blessings of the Season...
--the Linams


At 11:09 PM , Blogger Jessie said...

You're right - it was a great Christmas party! I'm so glad I was able to share that time with you.



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