Saturday, January 06, 2007

Abby update - January 6

Despite some pretty discouraging weather, we had an encouraging day today. Formal therapy was set aside in favor of "practical" therapy, such as baking cookies, sweeping, dusting, etc...I don't know about Abby, but I felt like it was a workout, anyway!

In the end we were rewarded with great warmth and friendship on this cold, drizzly day. During our open house Abby received many hugs from friends that represent the entire spectrum of folks that have helped us make it through this ordeal--Wimberley friends, school friends, sports friends, library friends, church friends, work friends, college friends, horned lizard friends (there's a new category for you!), and maybe some friends that defy categorization...! One of the greatest rewards for us was to hear folks who haven't seen Abby in awhile tell us what a miraculous improvement they see in her (sometimes those of us who are too close need to gain that perspective).

And, oh yes, I must say for the benefit of our "Extreme Makeover--Home Edition" friends, that there was much, much ooohing and ahhhing over our house. I think you'll be getting some calls to see if the "Amazing 5-day Makeover" is now available commercially! Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this epiphany of God's love for us.

And now, as our friend, Juanita, would say, "Good night, Irene..."
Much love,
-the Linams


At 6:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Linams! Jackie Watson here - post graduate from Tim Bonner's lab. I am just now finding out about Abby's ordeal! (I moved to Utah in September to work with the Division of Widlife on an endangered species. I happened to be reading the TCAFS newsletter in hopes of attending this year's meeting). Many times graduate students at Texas State (myself included) have commented on "what a nice guy Gordon Linam is" and have looked up to him and all his work. After reading Abby's blogs I see that your whole family is amazing! You are so lucky and so blessed.

Abby I am extremely proud of you! What an amazing recovery you have accomplished. I know there is still a lot of work ahead of you, but just reading about what you've done so far I have faith that you can pass all trials with flying colors. Keep your efforts and spirits up! And be proud of yourself!! You have touched and inspired A LOT of people - strangers even;)

You are all in my prayers! Take care and have a great new year!


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