Monday, July 09, 2007

Linam Family Update – July 9

Let's see--last week we practiced baseball, we drove to baseball games, we drove home when baseball games got rained out, we drove back for more baseball games, we watched baseball games, Frank played baseball games, we drove home from baseball games, we calculated baseball statistics, and we celebrated that the Wimberley All-Stars ARE IN THE DISTRICT FINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right, last night the boys beat Blanco 8-1 to earn the right to play Fredericksburg again in the finals. We didn't play well against Fredericksburg the first time, but Wimberley has played so well in the last several games that I think it will be a new game tonight. Keep us in your prayers--we have to beat them twice to win district, but, if these boys' stamina for driving to Kerrville and playing six days in a row can hold out, I think we've got a good chance!

We actually did do a few things besides baseball last week (though I'm not sure how...). Abby attended a horsemanship class at AWARE each morning. She rode an Appaloosa named "Happee," and that describes her attitude at spending each day with horses. She was also a good supporter for her brother and his team.

We also enjoyed visiting with family and friends. Dedicated grandparents made the trek to Kerrville to share the Little League excitement, and we enjoyed "crashing" with the kids' cousins, Kim and Karen, in Boerne one day as we waited for yet another game. Our good friend Jessie was home from Denver--we enjoyed a July 4th barbecue with her family, and Frank and Abby enjoyed some "Jessie time" again. Lots of "old" friends have joined us at church lately as well, with much joy at seeing Abby there.

Sometimes the hurriedness of this summer's schedule almost makes us forget that we once worried about all that the future would hold for our family. What a blessing that God has allowed us to return to the joy of family times spent together. We were reminded of that last night, as we were eating dinner with some of the parents from the baseball team. Another team mom sat down across from me and Abby. She told us that she had just found out that Abby was the young Wimberley girl in the accident, and, that even though we'd never met before this summer, she has spent the last year praying for Abby, reading the blog, etc. God's healing work in Abby continues to bring joy to many people, and we are very glad--for those that prayed and for the joy they have now...

Have a great week!
-the Linams


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